Help with Satoshi tower


I just cannot land Satoshi for the life of me. I have seen a million times the only two available videos in youtube bu it just will not work.

Any tips or help are welcome.


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Here is a slowmo. What exactly is your problem with the trick? Like what happens when you don’t land it? The hard part is the timing bc you want the loop of string that you throw with the ninja vanish type move to go around and be back in front on the string segments when you land on the “bottom” string or it will move back the other way or under the Yoyo and you can land on multiple string segments. The landing of the Yoyo is what pulls the slack out and forms the tower. You’re basically going to whip the slack around the string segments and the Yoyo and land on the bottom string. Having a good idea of what exactly is supposed to happen will help execute the trick. Let me know if you have any more specific questions.


Usually the string gets whipped in the gap of the yoyo and there is another string beneath the yoyo leading to my throw hand. Seems like a zipline or a bridge underneath the yoyo. If I place the yoyo on that string and dismount I end up in a knot.

Thanks once again for your reply and help mate.

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Yeah so I know this problem exactly. The string attached to your TH Yoyo finger is the one you want to aim to land on. I basically push it forward and under the Yoyo to get it to land and you want to time it so that the string you’re whipping has gone around and under and beyond the Yoyo when you land. Make sure you aren’t holding a pinch or something when you land because then the landing of the Yoyo can pull the slack under and you hit both segments like that. You can whip a lot of extra string around to make sure it’s totally going around the yoyo. This is what it’s like in my video like you can see the extra wrap around and unwrap but that doesn’t matter for the trick because when I landed, the string was already around and on the front side of the formation. Maybe just try to focus on really making sure that whip is going totally around annd under. Then aim to land it right at that moment. The timing of it really is pretty specific but if you can set up the whip so that it’s going around enough, you should be in a good spot to start landing it. Just aim to land on the right string when the whip is as far away from you as possible right before it starts to swing back the other way. Hope that makes sense it’s hard to talk about strings with text


GT you need your own yo-yo tutorial YouTube space. You help a lot of yo-yo people.

Satoshi tower is to me an awesome element like beef hook, dum shot, tension hooks, and all of the whip to tower moves.

To an observer it is as close to a magic trick a yo-yo player can do.

I mean the ultimate yo-yo slash magic trick I believe is “ if I remember the name “ Sky dancer whip out scissors cut the string while in a 3a mount and throw the free yo-yo out of the mount and then catch the throw 4a off string style with a 3a throw. Banger of all bangers.

Hold the pinch a bit firmer it helped me maintain the loop around the back. I was letting a bit of movement close the loop and it was not big enough to come around the throw and catch the throw on the non whip bottom string. Hope you get it soon it will feel amazing when you see the string tighten above the throw. Do not get too excited you have to remember how to get out. Good luck.

Oh yea good tutorial over on the place that shall not be named… Y Y T check it out it will help.


Hah no no I’m happy just answering the questions here I feel able to answer. Learning tricks is what I like the most about yoyo right now so I just think it’s fun to talk and think about tricks. I also like to see other people trying to progress their skills and learn new stuff so I try to help out if I can.

Maybe one day I will do a couple tho because I do think there are no good beefhook tutorials. They all miss the most important part and that’s some of why it’s such a hard trick for people to learn (me included like it took me forever to learn that one)…hmmm…


I have seen the video in 0,25 speed a million times. There is also another video in slow motion on YouTube and the guy there whips the string while popping the yoyo to the opposite direction compared to the app that should not be named.

I will try again tomorrow.


You will get it soon, it is most frustrating just before you get it the 1st time. Use your knees to help with the pop up get it just above your hands. I slight jump rope move helps also, when you start to get it more consistent you can forgo the jump rope move.

The other side whip I would like to see that, if another version exists I would like to see it. Please send me the link.

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Here you are:

If you notice, he pulls the yoyo towards him from his non throw hand side towards his throw hand side.

In the you know who video, this does not happen. The yoyo is pulled towards the body but in a more straight, 12 to 6 o clock ( meaning a circular motion starting away from the body and coming straight back) kinda way while on the one I just sent you the string is whipped from 9 to 3 o clock fashion, or clockwise motion of you like.

Dunno if that makes sense.


It’s the same thing. The second vid is more fluid and harder to do but it’s the same thing. It’s much easier to pop it straight up from 6-12 and whip the string around at the same time imo. It’s like a ninja vanish with the th, but you whip it past the Yoyo.

Edit here is another vid with better contrast bc the other one like isn’t visible.

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Totally makes sense he is doing the trick in one motion with out stopping the motion of the throw. This way is a lot like the other whip to tower moves are done, you have to keep track of all of the string elements and have super neutral string tension. If you lean it this way I believe you will be able to the other whip to red and double green triangle.

I do it the 6 to 12 way with a small jump rope move and using my kendama knees. I feel 6 to 12 way has more of a magic factor.

You are well on your way to getting this down. Slow down and try to see the loop as it comes around the throw. When you can see it you will be so close.

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After a practice session I managed to hit it once today! Just once though!!!



Awesome congrats amazing feeling more coming to you soon.


I still have to dial it in. Thanks though.

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You’re right, but landing that first one is an important step and you should be stoked still! It’s a funky trick for sure and good luck!

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