YoYoRecreation Appreciation Thread

So guess what came in today…

YoyoRecreation Fragment! Beadblasted matte black, this throw is killer! It’s so fast and controllable through the air, not to mention it has superb spin time and balance without being heavy at all! Love this thing! This one’s the v2 fragment, after trying this, I want a v1…




thanks, ColeJ!

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My pleasure! I really enjoyed throwing it!

Does the Fragment feel as light as the specs say it should?

It’s light, but it doesn’t feel like a 61gram yoyo. Feel-wise, it’s maybe near the 64-66 range. But the quickness and flow this thing has can only be achieved by a yoyo lighter than 64-66. This is the v2 model, so it feels just a tad bit more solid, while the v1 fragments supposedly feel more “hollow”. Anyway, this yoyo isn’t really nimble like the 6 or Blink, it’s just really fast and easy to control while being super stable and long-spinning. I thought the 40mm width would bother me, but for some reason, the yoyo feels much more wider than it actually is. It’s extremely easy to land on strings you DO want to land on, and it makes sure you don’t land on the ones you DON’T.

To add, this yoyo excelles at the playstyle it was intended for. Whips, lacerations, hooks, slack tricks, everything. The shape makes it so easy to catch whips.

Well, looks like I may have to get a Fragment along with an Acrophobia, E=mc^2, Blink, and Overdrive.

Damn, that matte black finish looks sweet!


I own an 09 sleipnir and the one and only Ni Gleipnir at the moment.

That nickel Gleipnir is schweet!


Dat purple

I’m glad they are making yoyos with this color again. I love this shade of purple.
I hope they’ll have their other models in this color too.

I’d love to see one of the larger throws in this colour. A purple Sleipnir would be amazeballs.


That would be a dream come true for me. :slight_smile:

Wait, are they making more E=mc^2s?

I looove the purple.

Yes, but the new colors are only available on their site/store.

Thanks. Do they ship to the USA, or is it only Japan, like it used to be?

They only ship within Japan. :frowning:

All of my sad… :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

They do ship to the US. I ordered a throw from there a few weeks ago.

They ship worldwide. I ordered a Blink from them not too long ago. The new E=MC^2 are also available at a few of the Japanese yoyo stores.


Aww, Sweet! Thanks for the info guys! Will be sure to pick something up from them then.

My bad guys. I didn’t know they now ship worldwide.
I didn’t get to buy from them since they renovated their store.