Hiroyuki Suzuki, also known as Mickey, has another signature yo-yo though his sponsor YoYoJam. I believe this makes 4,673* signature yoyos now. From what I understand, more are on the way. I can appreciate this. Instead of making one yo-yo for all your play styles, having multiple yoyos designed to fit your multiple play styles makes sense. YoYoJam also did something pretty impressive in developing this yo-yo for the Sub $30 market. Will the gamble pay off? The Chaser was my primary carry this week and I put it through the review process.
This will end up on my list since I plan on increasing my YYJ collection soon. A Lyn Fury’s not enough to fully see what YYJ’s made of. Maybe there’ll be a Triple Crown edition/Bay Area Classic version when May comes around.
Good review. But I always think your jokes are too corny. When I read it, I feel like I’m reading an early teen’s review instead of a 1,000+ year yoyo veteran.
I still enjoy your reviews because you know what you’re doing.
Writing id fun for me. You think waht I put down on paper is corny? You would hate to hang out with me. HAHA. In all seriousness, these are yoyos. They are supposed to be fun.