Yoyoing is getting a little lonely…

Have you ever been to a meet or met other yoyoers? If not, I HIGHLY reccomend finding one to attend! I feel as though yoyo meets have added a new amazing layer to the fun to be had with yoyoing. Sharing tricks, yoyos, making memories and new friends, among other things are why I absolutely adore yoyoing with other people. Meets are so full of smiles and laughter. They add more depth to the hobby I already adored so much on my own. I’d argue it’s way more fun than having beers and watching a game with the same people, especially considering most of us probably don’t like the same sport and quite a few people in the meets aren’t old enough to drink yet lol.

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Yes; I have been to meetups and contests. The point I was trying to make is that to me; playing yo-yo is a personal thing.


I don’t want to go too deep but I gave away some newer budget metal yo-yos to my youngest family members as gifts. Tried to do spin and dna style trucks explain the design of the yoyo. Also to introduce them into a yo-yo as a highly advance skill toy and engineering design… I really feel the way to get kids started an.hook them into yo-yoing is giving kids a history lesson an teaching them through a small number of demonstrations about different yoyo designs and player styles and skill levels. The original yoyo brand Duncan produced a movie on the early history on the introduction of the yoyo in the US an how it started the yoyo craze and contest scene. That’s worth checking out on YouTube. Social media is often where it’s at to connect to the yoyo community across the world those require doing videos in my opinion. There’s countless number of videos to watch on the yoyo scene that are worth viewing… I really think getting into yo-yoing may seem daunting an challenging learning tricks a find people to hangout with. Trust me on this advice, everyone yo-yoing must also be a show man and entertainer to influenceinvt someone else to get interested in it. People may bring up famous basic tricks all the time like can you walk the dog or round the world but as a yo-yo we you have the opportunity to play a role as an influencer. All the pros and expert yoyoers are cool an see themselves teachers and lovers of the craft. Just keep practicing your craft an always try to showcase yourself an see how this gets someone interested into yoyoing. Communication to community is key to forming a group of fellow player online or offline.


I agree with the above on introducing kids, nephews/nieces, etc. to throwing. I purposely bought several K2 Crystals this season to give away as gifts, and they were very well received. I even gave one to a client of mine that saw me throwing one day and was amazed at how it worked. Kids love all the techy bouncy string tricks and have an earnest longing to learn how to get started.

I find that if you have an honest passion for something, you naturally attract people to yourself and whatever it is that you’re doing.

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I’m not sure if this is a hot opinion, but as a casual thrower, yoyos are my fidget. Not only do I have something to do with my hands, throwing allows me to focus completely on one thing (well, two, but technically hand in hand). 1. The yoyo itself and 2. not hitting the floor, walls, ceiling, or various objects.

Additionally, it also forces me to stand. As a programmer and computer nerd, this is important.

That being said, I’ve never really seen throwing as a social event. Not that it can’t be, but honestly, I wouldn’t want to throw with someone with who I’m not comfortable.