
The gap width is inline with Hummingbird at 4.44, sunbird at 4.40 and sync at 4.45


So what makes this a game changer? What sets it apart from Hummingbird and raytracer


It doesn’t look like a ‘game changer’.

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I’m wondering about this myself. I’m not trying to be negative, but I look at the shape, specs, etc. and it looks like just another competition-oriented bimetal. I guess there is always a market for that, but it’s degrees of subtle difference that separate this from other releases. Not sure what is game-changing about it. It doesn’t appear to be in any real way unique or paradigm-shattering. So maybe some further insight would be helpful.

I’m partly on this because I was actually talking about this a little bit today as I recorded my Phidias review. I am really appreciating more and more when yoyo companies break out of the established mold in one way or another and try something new/different. Phidias is an easy example, but it’s still possible in the modern competition scene - see the Circle City P40 which has many “standard” traits but stands out because of what Bradd did with a move to a D bearing within the framework of a v-shaped bimetal. Or the YYF Flame which I have yet to try. Many “normal” traits but one significant departure.


I absolutely love how it looks, so much so it might be my first new purchase in months. This pretty much perfectly fits the mold for my type of throw.

My question wasn’t to say anything about the yoyo. I have 0 issue with him calling it their flagship or game changer. I was actually just curious about the design process.


No doubt it looks amazing. And given the company’s track record I am sure it will perform very well. I just wonder what the hyperbole is all about

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For us yoyofriends team, we want something wider with more catch zone in our lineup, hummingbird is great but in 2020 it is slightly narrower than what our competition team wants. Raytracer is great as well but it is more an all arounder yoyo rather than a no hold bared outer ring competition yoyo. This is our take on the modern competition scene and our attempt to create one of the best competition yoyo. Our next 2 releases will be more fun and out of the ordinary for us. :smiley: As for using the phrase, game changer, I have already apologized about the hyperbole a long time ago in my replies.


More picture of each colorways this run.


I just bought a bunch of throws last week. Now I’m severely conflicted between what I need and what I want at the moment.


These are gonna be a quick sell out!! They look stellar and I’m sure play quite amazing!! Well done!




I honestly don’t see the problem, I just took it as “we believe this yo-yo is exceptional,” I think the context would make it clear that it’s not going to revolutionize the yo-yo world. Hyperbole is common in marketing.


Based on track record of FPM, these are going to be very high precision throws. Yoyojoe’s review did mentioned it reminded him of the Draupnir. Probably going to sell out relatively quick.

YYR precision minus the YYR price? Now that’s a game changer in my book.


I was lucky to try a prototype Peregrine along with a bunch of other bi-metals from different brands at a meetup 2 months ago.

This yoyo is the main reason I haven’t bought a bi-metal yet. Despite how tempting some recent releases were, I’m waiting for this one.
I think it’s the first time I loved a yoyo so much from the very first throw.

Getting that Emerald Colorway day one! :heart_eyes:


Looks exactly like the C3 EDOLASS SE colorway which I missed so I’m happy for it… but… out of stock if you wanted to match them up. :wink:

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Checkout Dylan Kowalski’s yoyo review on the peregrine! Make sure to subscribe to his channel as well.


Pink dove. It’s suppose to be restocked 9/12 but I guess yye already restocked it haha.


Here is my overview, insight, and what will you expect on peregrine.


A really good competition bimetal that plays really fast?..:man_shrugging: