Yoyofriends mystery box

Hey what did everyone get in their Yoyo friends mystery boxes? Sorry I’m a little late. My package got held up on an extra long journey and I just got it today! This was my level 1 mystery box. Got the new fingerspin yoyo that’s giving major Vapormotion vibes and I love it. And the second Yoyo is a vulture! A bi metal! Akd it’s glass smooth and a sick colorway!

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All mine came with nail vibe which irks me a bit


Mine is still on its way…

What really !? That’s off all mine came smooth, kinda. When ur throwing one, is every single time u throw it has the vibe? Or on some throws it’ll be smooth and the other 50% of the time it has the vibe? Cuz that’s how mine are. But when it’s like that, to me it’s saying that my throws are just off and these require you to be on point for them to throw smooth. It’s weird tho cuz not all yo-yos are like that. Like there are many throws I have where every single throw is butter smooth regardless but then I’ll get throws where it only comes out smooth on 50% of the throws u know what I mean? But even when it’s like that I don’t really mind because like I said, it’s still smooth 50% of the time so I just tell myself that as long as I’m on point, it’ll stay smooth and I’m super stoked with the selection of yo-yos that I got.

They all have the faintest bit when nail checking it. Only the titanium has nail vibe on the inner body but not the rim. The hybrid in particular had more noticeable nail vibe

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I think my B grade Vulture is smoother than the titanium.

Edit: I would say both are smooth enough though. The only flaw I can find with the b-grade is that they didn’t mask the response area while finishing it so the string rubs and vibrates during horizontals. I will just sand it down with some high grit and all should be good.

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Checked my hybrid again and it’s actually a bit more than just nail vibe

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