I think my ippon is the most beautiful yoyo I own and I like how it plays. However, I can’t help but fixate on the vibe and it makes playing with it that much less fun. I reach to it because I want to love it but the vibe prevents me from playing with it for more than 20 minutes before giving up.
I think there is something theraputic to something like plastic vibe. I don’t even mind a bit of mail vibe on my throws, but if it’s wobbling on the string, it’s a bit too much for my tastes.
Like what kind of vibe, describe it in more detail. What happens when you put a fingernail in the gap of the spinning yoyo?
It is definitely a pulsing/harmonic vibe. I tried tuning it a bit and the vibe got so bad that it was jumping off my nail, but I messed with it a little more and it’s back to being playable but it’s still got a low/moderate level of pulsing vibration.
“low/moderate” being an estimation from a newbie with no real-life comparison points.
That is return to store / ask for exchange territory, if you can. My one pulse vibey yoyo I got off a b/s/t and I am still bitter about it since it wasn’t even mentioned in the sales description.
I suppose it can’t hurt to ask them.
I don’t really mind vibe at all when I’m playing.
I just like the feeling of grinds and fingerspins on a glass smooth yoyo, so satisfying.
Did you get it from us? If so send us an email or give us a call - or just send me a message here on the forums. Happy to take a look at it for you.
Yeah. That yoyo should be pretty dead smooth. Definitely let us know if it came from us like that out of the box?
I personally do not mind vibe. My daily carries are mostly dinged up so I am sure they vibe due to the yoyo not being 100% on the cemetery. My bearing mostly make up for lack of vibe on the yoyos weather they are dinged or not. So that could factor in my lack of care for vibe.
I’m usually pretty ok with some vibe but one time I fell on my yoyo and now the two halves are almost visibly misaligned and it’s kinda just a sad time. But I dunno sometimes I’m in the mood for extreme vibe.
Given how inconsistent my throwing technique is, I live with a certain amount of vibe pretty much all the time, no matter how perfect the yoyo itself might be. However, it does sort of bug me if I can’t ever get a yoyo to spin with 8/10 (or better) smoothness on a perfect throw.
I have… a lot… of yo-yos… like 500+… and I have to say a serious vibe problem like visible pulse vibe (on a modern yo-yo that you bought recently) is very very VERY rare in my experience. Extremely rare!
It is true that via the fingernail test you might get some that have a smidge more vibe than others, and “glass smooth” is a heck of a drug because it is very common to get total absolute smoothness with today’s machining… and maybe sometimes people get a little spoiled ?
But believe me, if you have really bad vibe that actually matters, you’ll see it on the string and you’ll feel
it on the string after throwing. The good news is that bad of a vibe is exceedingly rare on today’s yo-yos, at least in my experience!
Vibe is something that matters less and less to me the more I get into the hobby. Sure if I have splashed out on a fancy new yoyo and it doesn’t come dead smooth I am going to be annoyed but it is something I come to expect when buying second hand (saying that I have been pretty lucky with most second hand stuff I have bought!)
I wish I could not care, but alas, it was not in the cards for it to be so.
I have only had one yoyo that vibed so bad that I could actually feel it on the string.
Put me in the “kinda like a little vibe” camp.
Relevant bit starts at around 2:25 in case anyone is interested above ↑ ↑
“competing feels a lot better with a broken yo-yo”
Although honestly in my experience it is pretty darn tough to break a metal yo-yo, even throwing it in the street a few times isn’t really gonna make it vibe.
If I’m getting a brand new yoyo I’d like it to be smooth on the string. Fingernail vibe I can live with. However vibe in general doesn’t bother me too much, just with the machine quality nowadays I feel like excessive vibe is unacceptable