Yoyofriends Buyer's guide and performance test

Here is a very detailed test and analysis of each yoyofriends yoyo, depending on the price and what kind of player you are, you can see which one suits you the most!
Current line up is Hummingbird, Magpie, Raytracer and Sync


Incomplete, missing the hummingbird TiSS in the guide.

Shouldnt be hard to fix… just add in, would you spend $600 on a yoyo? No then dont buy, if yes, then yes. I mean… it probably is the best at that price point right? Lol


I had that yoyo, look at my profile picture, I decided to give it to my team mate because I am a good yoyofriends leader. :stuck_out_tongue: If you want to know how TISS plays copy pasta everything I said about hummingbird in that video and multiple power and stability by 1.1

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$600 price point for a mere 10% extra power and stability?..


Yep. That is more than I expected honestly. It is for the people who like the rainbow and the best of the best. It is an one off and super limited project by our owner who wants to make the best yoyo possible. There is a reason why it is not sold on retailers. However alot of other companies do this like C3yoyodesign, sOMETHING, yoyorecreation etc.


Sounds like it was made for suckers.

It’s fine for you to think that, I mean you make yoyos yourself right? there is a production cost into everything. TISS Hummingbird production cost is that high so it is priced that high.


I totally get it. To get the product standard that you want would be quite a strenuous and meticulous effort. Titanium presents difficulties, and even more when rings are fitted to it.

Hahah yea, i got one 19/20. Pretty much agree with your assessment. 1.1 doesnt sound like much, but hummingbird is already at the limits.

I think Hummingbird is already on the limits, so making even a better competition yoyo withouth changing the Humminbird’s styles is impossible. Also titanium processing is very expensive, and even more when there are steel rims.

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YoyoFriends Speed Power Floatiness Stability Pacing Flow Smoothness Control Ability Horizontal Finger Spin
Hummingbird 1 1 / 2 ? 1 1 4 3 3 2 / 3 2
Raytracer 4 1 / 2 ? 2 4 2 1 / 2 1 1 2
Magpie 3 4 1 4 2 1 4 4 4 1
Sync 2 3 ? 3 3 3 1 / 2 2 2 / 3 2

1 to 4: best to worst.

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