While scrolling through Instagram I came across a post that left me disgusted, Yoyoformula had allegedly stolen a yoyo design without permission. After reaching out to AlphaYoyos for details, I was shocked to learn that the copied design was actually their planned flagship release.
Yoyoformula needs to step up, acknowledge this issue, and take responsibility.
Not trying to downplay the allegations, but I feel like I missed the yoyo design part? The snip mentions t-shirts and packaging. Not sure if there was supposed to be something else?
AlphaYoyos submitted their yoyo design (with watermarked logo) to the YYFormulas email to get a production quote back in 2022
Fast-forward to 2024, YYFormula took AlphaYoyos original design reference, removed the watermark logo and using it on their shirts and packaging without permission.
An anonymous tip alerted AlphaYoyos to this unauthorized usage, leading them to contact YYFormulas via email.
YYFormulas did not respond, remaining completely dead silent.
In response, AlphaYoyos issued an official statement addressing the unauthorized use of their unreleased design.
If I was in alphayoyos shoes, I would ask them to compensate my design and move on. But if these issue still didn’t get resolved, YYFormula might lose reputation for doing this if they continue ignoring the allegations.
Never heard of alphayoyos until this first came up like 2 weeks ago. Their only other post on instagram is from 2022 teasing their yo-yo which I guess was never released.
It does kinda suck that YoyoFormula took an idea from another company. But I have also never heard of this company and thought you meant Alpha Group the parent company of Auldey Yoyo. So does this mean AlphaYoyo also took someone else’s name/idea and ran with it?
Got the same case.
Recently I’m doing a mass production on a manufacturer in china and a week after i received my final product, my friend told me that he found some account on xianyu(china freemarketplace, you can sell brand new or used yoyo here) that sell yoyo with exact design with my yoyo, Monophobia.
The funny thing is that one of them is using yoyoformula logo for the brand.
I still checking this on the manufacturer and yoyoformula. Hope we can do something about it.
For those who didn’t know, i made Monophobia myself from scratch and post every step from prototyping to final phase on Yoyo CAD & Prototyping Adventures thread.
Ooooh that really stinks. I watched your progress making it in the Yoyo CAD and prototyping adventures thread and having your design stolen like that must really sting. I’m sorry.
Oh yeah now that you mention it, I realize the name ‘ALPHA’ probably just sounded similar. It’s worth noting that Alpha Culture Ltd, from Auldey produced a variety of toys not just yo-yos. In contrast, the other ‘Alpha’ brand had a more specific focus, with a secondary name indicating it was specifically a ‘yo-yo supply’ brand only.
That really sucks. It would be fair if YYFormula compensated you for the copied design, assuming they’re found guilty. It might be a good idea to ask them for an exact timeline of who designed it first, though I doubt they’d be entirely transparent about it