YoYoFactory's Next 4 fundaMETAL Yo-Yos

Fixed. :wink:
Haha jk


What about Paul kerbel? He has his own Skylike-eight8eight.

Or, are they just honoring him?

I wish YYF did signature yoyos like YYJ does and give them a yoyo of their own design instead of a special edidition of a current one…

Like, have their name on it?

Ex. The Speeder has Hiroyuki Suzuki’s name on it, and the G5 doesn’t have Augie’s name on it.

Like that?

This is what YYF are doing now:

Well no, Like the speeder was designed FOR Mickey, where as the YYF players get current yoyo’s just in a fancy paint job…

That makes me go, aw thats awesome, but I dont want two of the same yoyo just in different colors. Especialy the high priced YYFs…

and yeah, what Pheenix said as I was typing…

Augie’s sig yoyo isn’t eh G5, its the G5+.

Oh, psh. Whats the difference? :stuck_out_tongue: (There is one…)

It is a player’s signature Yo-Yo, but it should have at least his/her initals on it. It sounds stupid, but I got confused seeing whose who’s.

I want my initials on my yo-yo. :frowning:

Only if it is your signature one, but if you work at the Apple store, (iPod) you can get it engraved. They do it on the 4G iPod Nano. I have one.

Oh I do too! :smiley:

HINT: engraving tool

Oh. I should look into that.

I just wanted to point one thing out. These new yoyos coming out will be designed by the players themselves. And if I am not wrong, John Ando did not design the SuperStar, Yuuki did not design the 888 and Augie did not design the G5+. These yoyos are however their signature yoyos. Now YoYoFactory is coming with a “for the player, by the player” concept, which is completely different.

Thanks Pheenix, that’s what I was trying to say. :slight_smile:

Wow, lots of guessing here.
I called Batman, because he is the “Worlds Greatest Detective” and this yoyo (the one that I talked about in this post ) is a Mystery

and no, I don’t know if it is a Fundametal

what I do know, is that Augie has one, and it might be his new signature yo-yo

They are fundaMETAL’s. 4 more comming soon… :slight_smile:

I just screamed like a little school girl…