YoyoFactory: New Genesis, Aluminum Dream & Nightmare

Dream backers had the chance to purchase early for 24 hours only (last Thursday night -Friday night). If you opted into the “Dreamer’s List” program following the Dream campaign you could get it at a discount as well, mine was $80.

Sounds like a deal… wish I was on that Dreamer’s list!!

I still have to go with the shutter

I updated the title to include the Nightmare, so we’re still on topic. I also bought a Nightmare in the deal offered to those who contributed to the Dream campaign. It was such a great deal, that I couldn’t pass it up. I also ordered the “Death” colorway shown in the photo above. I’m waiting for mine in the mail. :wink:

Just got mine last night, love it. Will get some pics up and hopefully have time to throw it tonight as well but from what I can tell so far, one of the best throws I’ve played lately. Definitely reminds me of the RAVE.

Ahh!! Is this going to be a limited release? I really hope I can snag one

^ I think there will be enough to go around, so don’t worry about them being limited. We all can have Nightmares. :o

I think this is a first, the same design made in this variety of different materials, titanium, aluminum, plastic, and now a bimetal design too. This is so cool, and when Nightmare gets here, I’ll have a complete set. ;D

well aren’t you special… :smiley:

I’m hoping I get a death nightmare. As mentioned before, I wish they used a death scythe instead. Would have been sick. But I like stars too.

Same, after the Death colorway.

The stars kind of remind me of the Duncan midnight special for some reason. Kind of nostalgic for me.

Does anybody feel that the cypher is like a better too hot?

How can the same design work on a plastic, titanium, aluminium and bi metal…this is insane…absolutely love this company!

I feel more than that.

I feel that the Cypher is Yoyofactories best yoyo.

I might get one. Are bimetals really good?

Really good bimetals are :stuck_out_tongue: This one looks like one of them.

Some of you mentioned you received one this week. Well… how do they play?! Why must we ask?!

people would be to busy playing to tell us how it plays i suppose ;D ;D ;D

The main benefit to bimetals is being able to get better performance at a lighter weight. Great stability whilst playing light and fast is something that, whilst possible with single metal, is easier to achieve with the bimetal route.

Just because a yoyo is bimetal doesn’t mean it’ll be good, but bi-metal done right is a joy to throw. :slight_smile:

So which is lighter, the Nightmare or Ti DREAM?

I believe the Ti is slightly lighter, like a few tenths of a gram. EDIT: Well according to YYE the weight of the Ti is 1 gram more than I read elsewhere, so not sure.

I received my Nightmare last night. Haven’t spent too much time with it just yet but it plays really nice! ;D

I don’t really like bimetals.

I’m not suggesting they don’t perform well I just find that their extreme rim weight puts their play characteristics out of whack. Their exaggerated momentum can make it more awkward to perform some tricks. They have a sluggish feeling if they are kept around 66+ or very hollow feeling when their weight is less than that.

But I’m the minority I think. People really love bimetals.