Yoyofactory Mystery Bag Thread (spoilers)

People should be getting their Mystery Bags in or have them in within a couple of days. Let’s talk about them.

Specifically the new things, the interesting guys

Moonlight (Spotlight Bimetal)
R4-Type (Inner Ring R-Type Bimetal)

What are the general thoughts we have gang?


someone should send me a moonlight for free


The R-Type is one of my favorite common pick-up throws, the bi-metal factor is a super awesome upgrade in my opinion. I like the weighted design and it just spins forever, can pull off a lot with it. Incredibly happy with it.

The Moonlight, I’m super impressed with it, very smooth, and I don’t think I can get a bad bind out of it if I tried, haha. It’s crazy consistent.

My 2 cents.


So let me get this right, they made a monometal version of a bimetal yoyo and proceeded to make a bimetal version of the monometal yoyo?



Can we talk about why the “Impossible Nine Dragons Deal” is actually sold out?

R4-Type(?) was a super low-key banger of the bag. As soon as I saw the Moonlight I knew it was gonna be insanely good, but the R4-Type has been an extremely pleasant surprise.

Northstar’s age shows with the contents of the pack lol.


I’m super stoked on both throws. Particularly the bimetal r4-type. I’ve never own r-type or iq but always wanted too. The only reason I never have is becuz I could never decide between the two. I love monometal more than bimetals. I’m not super drawn to the look or feel of most bimetals. But the iq is stunning. I was always torn cuz I wanted an iq but know I wouldn’t throw as much as I should cuz it’s too pretty. And the r type I just know I’d love it but then I’d tell myself for just $50 more bucks u can get the iq :joy::joy: I never got either one. In the past few months I’ve come to the realization that I love inner ring bimetals and I thinks it’s because of my love for monometals. The inner rings makes it look and feel like a monometal on surface and in the hand but it’s a bi metal!! So I say all that, to say, that this immediately became one of my favorite throws and was a warm welcome into my collection!! It’s basically a dream Yoyo for me that I never knew I needed. I think yoyofactory hit it out of the park with this one. And the moonlight is freaking awesome too. Thing is a powerhouse but also feels nice and soft on the string if that makes sense at all. I like how they didn’t rush a bi metal for hunter but instead took the long organic route to get there, spotlight, then spotlight ultra then moonlight. Allowing the throw to prove it’s worthy of being made into a bimetal. Respect to yyf for this mystery pack. It gets my approval. But I agree about the north star. I think it would’ve been a grand slam if they would’ve included that new plastic fingerspin throw instead the aoxle or something lol :man_shrugging:

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Please do you have pics? The R-type bimetal seems so cool, the monometal R-type is really a great yoyo, also the bimetal Spotlight seems such a cool idea, would love to see some pics, sad that I didn’t pick one of those bags!

I got u bro


Now I really wish I didn’t miss out on this bag, shame on me that usually I do not like the “mystery boxes” as I am always unlucky lmao
Wonder how much they will retail price, maybe I prefer a bit more the Moonlight shape it seems more tech play oriented, the R-type seems a great horizontal and meta player like is monometal brother


Anybody else get one of the Yoyofriends mystery boxes?

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I hope they release the Moonlight soon.

The concept for these yoyo’s are awesome the r type and spotlight are some of my go to yoyos.
If I knew about these coming out I would have ordered some
Where did you find out about these mystery bags? yoyofactory?

@Yoyomikie I find that the difference between IQ and r type are about the weight. The IQ feels light and floaty and the r type feels heavier. I prefer to go with the r type because of the heavier feel.

i got the bimetal one, should be coming in hopefully next week. super excited, the bimetal looked like a bimetal shortcut


Yeah same…love the monometal versions of these. Would probably really like these as well.

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Yoyofactory posted in their FB group about it

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I grabbed the titanium, I was surprised at how fast they were going and bought it on impulse

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I wanted some strings to try out and was thinking about the mystery box 1 to go with the order, which they confirmed would be a new model.
Decided against the impulse buy, but I’m curious to know what the mystery is :thinking:

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just got mine in the mail the other day so haven’t spent too much time with them. but first impressions they feel similar to me but the r type feels a bit lighter. i’m happy with both of them!