
Read more info here:

Sorry if someone already made a thread of this. I was to busy watching IRON MAN 2! YEAH!

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Still first as always Kei.

And as always, good find

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Um its on the home page…

Just saying

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There are people that go straight to the forums without going through the homepage. :wink: Besides Kei’s updates are appreciated! How else would we know. Homepages are for wimps… Kei FTW!

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Cluttering the forum FTW :wink:

Thank guys!
Just a question. Wasnt the 401 discontinued a while ago? I remember seeing it somewhere else.
I love how its wide. The adjustomatic is just to thin for me.

There’s been atleast 1 other 401k that I know of, and it was discontinued. Though this seems like it’s a good improvement to the original. I can’t really tell from the photos but it doesn’t look as wide as the original. But the updated dial in of itself is a HUGE improvement, not to mention the H-shape should improve spin times and comfort in hand.

And as for JRam, this is another reason the announcements are good. Because it creates a topic for people to discuss the new releases.

I would have only been interested in this if it was pad response like the velocity…

Well you could take out the pad response and replace the dials in the 401. It’s that simple.

Cool. Let’s make a “New Releases” thread that we can just update, sticky, and check regularly, and discuss em in there. It works on another forum REALLY nicely.

Such a great idea Jeremy! Done

I know where kei is gonna be at from now on.Haha

If this Dial on this 401 is like the previous there are 3 Response options. Hard Plastic Starburst, Soft Rubber Starburst (I found these on the original to be the least responsive most of the time), and then you could actually reduce the Starburst enough that it was recessed. So you could leave the Starburst recessed or you could put a sticker on one or both sides.

One of the original reasons I liked mine so much was the response was VERY customizable. Didn’t care for the Dial system on the original though. That’s why I’m happy to see the new Dial on these.

I hope it’s similar to it’s cousin, the 401K! Those things were boss.