YoYoExpert Community Video Compilation - Brought to you by Elen!

I’m thinking December 1st now. I’ll change the first post.

Do I have to put music in my video?

Happy Throwing! =]

Nope. If you do, it won’t be there in the end :wink:

Dec. 1st? wow that’s, well, a lot of time.

great! my computer might get repaired by then! what computer program(windows movie maker, or whatever else there is) would give the best quality?

I just want to make sure everyone has time to participate, since it seems like most people are asking for at least a little more. Might as well be generous about it, since there’s not really any rush for me ^^ It’s not a contest! Just for fun :]

im in for sure. :slight_smile:

Maybe it’ll be done for the holidays? Would be a great gift to everyone.

Anyway, I’ll try and send a clip ASAP. I have too much to do right now. Maybe around the last week of November.

Definitely. I can’t imagine it will take me longer than a week to put together since I’ve made sure to keep everything organized.

@ Elendilandurilz- No problem. The only thing wrong with setting deadlines too far in advance is people usually wait till the last week to make a routine regardless of when it might be due. But yeah sounds good.

i won’t let it die until the video for it is complete!!