The YoYoExpert chat is a fun hangout spot for talking about yoyo-related things, talking about non-yoyo-related things, getting help with stuff, sharing your tricks, and/or general shenanigans. To keep it fun and appropriate for all ages, we have some rules that we ask everyone to follow.
Of course, any general forum rules that can be applied are applied. Here are some chat-specific things that should/shouldn’t be done, though:
If a moderator tells you something, DO NOT ignore them or get nasty. If you do, they have the authority to kick you out. And they probably will.
If you’re kicked, take a breather. Get up off the computer and walk around for a bit. Maybe go get a glass of water. Then you’re welcome to come back in, so long as you don’t keep doing whatever it was that got you kicked.
If you find yourself banned for whatever reason, don’t reset your IP to try to get back in (ban evasion). It will probably work, but you’re still not welcome in the chat for a while and each successive time we have to ban you makes us less eager to unban you.
Don’t spam. Spamming is typing the same thing over and over, or a bunch of gibberish. Typing a bunch of people’s names to get their attention is annoying, and also counts as spamming. Also, don’t type in all caps, because THERE’S NO NEED TO SHOUT.
Do not rely on the censor to censor you. We do not tolerate vulgar language, censored or not. Don’t use symbols or acronyms to beat the censor. Don’t use symbols to make it look like you used vulgar language. We will treat you the same as if you did curse.
Please use English only. If you want to talk to someone in a different language, use private messages.
The chat is not a place to start a BST. The BST subforum is. If you want to trade or sell in the chat, you’re welcome to start another channel for it or deal via private messages (but ONLY with people you already know are interested).
Please don’t ask which yoyo is better. We don’t like it in the general forum and it’s even worse in the chat. Go to the looking for help/recommendation subforum and start a thread there. Otherwise expect us to just mess with you.
We’d prefer that you don’t link to other stores. Linking to other forums is okay.
There’s a 14-character limit for nick length. If you use a longer nick, it will say you’re banned. Try a shorter one.
The official moderators in the chat are as follows:
All of us have the ability to kick/ban whomever, but we would rather not need to use it. So please play nice and use common sense.
- Keep it civil and kid-friendly.
- Don’t be annoying.
- Breaking any rule is grounds for a kick.
- Repeated or egregious rule-breakage is grounds for a temp ban.
- Ban evasion or egregiously egregious rule-breakage are grounds for a perm ban.