All YoYoExpert Members Please Read

Dear YoYoExpert Members,

I hope everyone had a great time this Holiday Season. I know that it can be a busy, but spending quality time with family is absolutely the best. I’ve been pretty distracted from Thanksgiving all the way through Christmas. I’m certainly looking forward to the New Year and I hope that everyone has a great celebration.

That said, I’ve been going through countless pages of posts trying to play catch up. There are a couple things that seriously need to be addressed.

  1. We’ve had quite a few people that have just been downright mean. Please re-read the rules and make sure that you think about how people will perceive what you are saying. NEVER be mean for the sake of being mean. The rules can be found here:,4.0.html

  2. When you see one of these posts, PLEASE DON’T RESPOND TO IT! Use the “Report to Moderator” function and let Andre, Chris, or myself deal with it. I understand you want to call the person out, but I have had to warn several of you because the language used to respond has broken the rules. When you quote what the person said, that’s just another post that needs to be deleted (and it’s ALOT of work to go through and delete all of it). Just leave it to the Mods and enjoy the thunderous roar of the Banhammer where applicable.

  3. This is an ALL AGES forum. This means that you should always assume that there is someone from 5 t0 100 years old that is reading your post. It should go without saying, but you need to respect this rule above all else. Slip-ups are one thing, deliberately breaking the rules because you think they are silly and/or to challenge authority will be met with a 24-Hour ban as a warning. Subsequent offenses will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

This forum, all the tutorials, the endless information, and supportive community is completely free. All that Andre asks is that you respect the rules and keep this place rated G. To recap: When you see a disrespectful post, report it. Don’t reply to it and certainly don’t quote it. As some of you say: “Don’t feed the troll.” People feed off the attention when you reply. Thanks to everyone who makes this place great!



One BUMP to make sure you saw it.