Yoyo Wisdom

If you had to share on piece of “wisdom” you have learned about throwing over your time what would it be?


Yoda Voice
Green Triangle Exit Through Back, I Will.

Honestly though…

  1. Buy the throw you want when it’s in stock if possible. There are three I am currently looking for, and when they were in stock, I said, meh… I’ll get them tomorrow. Tomorrow, they were gone.



Chasing the “next best thing” neglects a lot of “gems” that you already own.

Buying the most expensive YoYo will do nothing for your skill set.




Never smile when you’re doing horizontal tricks.

When you pick up a yo-yo you haven’t thrown for the last day or more, always roll it down the string ‘first’… to make sure you don’t have a string lock in the gap. Because if your first throw down is a strong effort, and you have a string bind, you will remember I warned you.

Don’t spend $300 on a Titanium yo-yo, if your main reason is to spark it. Sparks look cool but are seriously overrated. You like sparks? Go to Harbor Freight and buy a $30 bench grinder and a pair of safety glasses. Then drop by Ace hardware and buy 1 6 inch long 3/8th thick bolt.
You’ll get more sparks out of that bolt in one hour, then you would get out of grinding your Ti yo-yo for the rest of your life. < Trust me. I’m a Structural welder and fabricator. I started welding 53 years ago. If I had a dime for every spark I’ve seen, Elon Musk would be my Gardner and Jeff Bezos would be my butler.

Don’t spend a lot of time trying really really hard to decide which yo-yo to buy based on what will fit ‘in’ your pocket. Nothing wrong with putting a yo-yo in your pocket. But what are you buying the yo-yo for? For performance or to put in your pocket.

If you love looooong yo-yo strings. And you mainly do side style tricks…. Ok.
But if you decide in the middle of a practice session to crank out some front style tricks, prolly better to switch over to a shorter string to greatly lessen the chances of smacking yourself in the face.

If you leave the house with the intention of throwing your yo-yo at the Mall or inside your best friends house(you know, the kid who’s mother has all the glassware in every room of the house.
Always put a FRESH string on the yo-yo, so you know the chances of it breaking and causing you some embarrassment will be minimized. (When you are at the Dentists’ office with windows all over the place. And the receptionist notices you have a yo-yo hanging from your belt. And the staff comes out into the waiting room and asks you to do a few tricks………. That is EXACTLY when your ‘old’ string is gonna break🙀

Realize and accept the reality that ‘all’ members of the yo-yo community are not necessarily one giant loving bunch of people. The yo-yo community is comprised of just a cross section of the population with strings looped on their fingers. And you may not get along with everybody, just like when you go/or have gone to school and there are/were some people you just don’t/didn’t jive with. That is just life.

Don’t make the mistake of getting hung up on thinking if a yo-yo has the Exact specs you prefer, that it will play great and you will like it. 6 yo-yos can have the exact same specs and every one of them will play differently.
…. Steve Brown once told me. ‘Don’t tell me you have a trick ‘wired’ unless you can do it on 5 different yo-yos’. Sometimes half the adventure of yo-yos is stepping outside of your ‘spec’ zone and getting different ‘feels’ from the multitude of yo-yos available today.

No matter how dry and noisy you like a bearing. If you really like a bearing, put a drop of light lube in it now and then. That way you can like that bearing longer.

If you really like a certain yo-yo, but you feel it is just missing a little something… instead of changing yo-yos. Experiment with different types of string. It is amazing how a different string can/will change the character of a yo-yo. Also, always store your different strings ‘marked’. It’s a whole lot easier to know which string to reach for, if you ‘know’ which string it is.

Don’t make the mistake of making unrealistic goals. If you practice 2 hours a day every day. Then get upset because you’re not getting good fast enough. Realize that some of the guys in the videos you watch, may practice 4, 5, 6 hours a day. And if they go to yo-yo meets, yo-yo contests or live close to other yo-yo players. They will have more opportunities to learn, compare, study other players in person. Just try to get better at a comfortable speed and enjoy the tricks you can do well. Everybody isn’t going to be a yo-yo god. Yo-yos and yo-yoing should be fun not torture.

Ok. I’m done for now…


Keep It Fun
Above All Else, keep it Fun!


Just love it!
Btw, have you changed your dentist? Heheheh


No, just the window…:joy:


I didn’t know that. When I get home I will remove the strings from all the yoyos that I haven’t touched in months


Get in the habit of throwing it forward before going for a strong breakaway. That one time you forget to do this is the one time the string will snag.

Edit: also a good idea before putting it away


awhile back i wrote a thing:

i can’t claim it’s “wisdom”, but pretty much all of these i still stand (and live) by.


It’s a toy, play with it.


Maybe focus on quality over quantity of tricks, heard Nate Martsolf (sp) mention this as well. There are so many tricks, it’s easy to get ADHD about it. Find the tricks that will help you flow from one idea to the next, and make them core. I am still chasing this after so much time.


Do not let your yoyo happiness or life happiness depend on something you can lose. In the end it’s metal on a string.

Some of the above is CS Lewis with some me mixed in.


One thing I learned over the years is that yoyo-ing makes me and other people happy no matter what. To me the whole purpose of Yoyo-ing is to enjoy it and entertain people wherever I go. If a stranger (whether old or young) comes up to me and tells me that I’m really good and compliments me that puts a smile to my day.

Oh and one more thing from experience :sweat_smile: I ALWAYS have a throw with a new string on it because if somebody is recording you (especially a stranger) do the tricks you already know how to do effortlessly and can nail them in one shot. Also don’t focus on the camera focus on you and the Yoyo. And you “should” have a smooth flowing video :grin:


i’ve never seen a rusty bearing. they’re typically made from stainless steel and the throws are aluminum/titanium/stainless. these metals don’t rust.

i’m not telling anyone how to care for their stuff, that’s entirely up to you but i’ve had yoyos with string on them in a box for 5 years, no sign of any rust or corrosion. i live in the north east where it’s humid.

if you’d like to take the time to remove all of the strings from your throws, by all means go for it, i’m just saying that it may not be a necessity.



Yoyo wisdom- dont try to put too much meaning on such an arbitrary material item :thinking:


Some love the yoyo and some don’t. Some groups are weird! Which group is weird? :thinking:


If you’re too drunk to walk, you’re too drunk to throw.


yoyo wisdom (not sure actually, could be a well known fact):
When in a double GT you don’t need to pop out from one triangle after the other. Just focus on the bottom triangle:
-Does it look like you should pop out from the front? Pop out from the back
-Does it look like you should pop out from the back? Pop out from the front

The upper triangle will form a false knot
You’re welcome

This only appies for standard DGT; do not attemt this if there are twists in the mount