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i would deffinately say that this was your best video
the camera angle was off, and the lighting was a little bad, but the tricks were really good and you actually ended with the song sort of.
thanks hey good job winning the high speed yoyo contest and my camera is my droid x so idk if the lighting and stuff was really and option
but thanks
i am tired of your videos…you’re doing the same tricks in everyone, the camera work is bad, the lighting is bad, the music though it is good never fits in a yoyo video, and they are all the same
thanks for the opinion but only like one of those tricks ive used before
your lighting and camera work needs to improve, because a lot of the tricks were below the camera, and it was really grainy. just invest in any HD camera with a shutter speed above 30/sec.
also, your music choice in this video was fine. rap songs usually have a good under beet which really helps the yoyoing. you did more right in this video than in anything else
well then switch up your elements and concepts because it was basically the same…1.5 mount and lindy loops
In my opinion, you seem to be doing variations of the same tricks.
Get some form of better camera and get a lamp, preferably one of the lamps with several heads that you can position accordingly.
Oh and, I don’t feel the song matched. Maybe a million and one questions or 99 problems, but not eminem.
actually he inspired me im gonna do some of that at PNWR i like the flow of tricks