Yoyo team?

Nah not really biased if everyone likes it.

oh yeah forgot about that one ecept one thing when I was modifying them how do i put this i ran out of duct tape.

Does anybody have any competitions coming up near them?

New vid just posted on the forums. Check it out!

yeah I think delaware states is coming up in my neck of the woods hope I can go…

I’ve got quite a few coming up for me. I’ve got NER and MA states, and I’m probably going to be at worlds 2013.

So the I think an introductory video for the team would be the best place to start. If someone wants to take charge of that. I’m not able to because I am not able to get to a computer until 1st April. I can upload videos though from my tablet.

I think it’s great you guys’ve gotten a team together so fast, and I wish you all the best of luck in keeping it up! :slight_smile:


Awesome! Really like the style!

Hey I’m not super good but I am interested for tips

Who wants to do the editing for the video? And everyone should send that person a 30 second clip of them doing their favourite combo(s). I would like to have a video up once a month, first week of the month. How does that sound?

I would love to do it, myself is my brother, plus i would like to give a discount on unkown yoyo strings to anyone on this team.

If you have room, I would love to join, I’ve only been yoyoing for about a year but I like my tricks and I have a good attitude, also I love teaching people how 2 yoyo, I have classes at my school

Yay! Introductory video! I can’t wait to get my video done!

I edit on WLMM because I don’t like trying other softwares but I can edit together a pretty clean video unless someone else is better willing to do it. I’m going to try an animation intro using the logo. Is that the logo you want to use?

Hey I’m Justin, I’ve been yoyoing for about 2 or so years. I have competed before, and am thrilled to be a part of the Inkyo yoyo team! I like C3yoyodesign yoyos a lot, and I enjoy yoyoing greatly for the fun of it.


I can edit it if you guys want. I use Sony Vegas Pro 10. Let me knoww.

Okay! Note if your going to edit my stuff beware of lighting my camera is very sensitive to that stuff it’s either too dark or light.