Yoyo summer school

Thanks. I have tried to make the posts informative. I am overwhelmed by everyone’s support.

This sounds awesome! ;D ;D ;D Really wish I could go.


Is that a behavior issue? I think it is. I better go to this private school before things get out of hand.

I am not sure that qualifies, but on a side note the yoyos that I ordered came this week. I am pretty excited. Needles to say I had to test them out. I am liking the trigger. It is just sooo loud. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/05/25/7ynysy8y.jpg

Just lube ur bearing :slight_smile: just curious what state this is in. If its in NC i could donate a yoyo or two and i know others that would 2

A vociferant Trigger does not necessarily need lube, they have the reputation of being loudmouths by nature. Mine has always used his “outside” voice when ever I threw him in the house.

(Just how does one go about determining a yo-yos gender.)

I am in PA. And as far as lube, I am not sure I want to do that. I like the sleep time, and the noise isn’t that bad, it is just mych louder than my maverick ever was.

So yoyo summer school is almost over. A majority of the kids know the 10 basic tricks that Duncan puts out. I had promised them that we would be creating our own yoyo’s that they could use and have. So with that task in mind I set out to do it the “easiest” way possible. Obviously there is no easy way, but I was able to find 2 in diameter dowel rod for the halves and 1/4 in oak dowel for the axle. I cut the halves on a chop saw. Not perfect but close, then found center with a little geometry and drilled center holes. The first attempt was terrible, but the second isn’t too bad. It is pretty undersized, and has a lot of vine, but it will get the job done. I was able to get it to sleep and do rock the baby. The students will be getting rough cut halves that they will have to hand sand and then glue in the axle. The better they sand them the better they will work. I cheated and used my dremel as a lath the rough sand my test one. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/07/06/bujumuba.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/07/06/a5ugede8.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/07/06/yju5uzy2.jpg

wow great little thing to do. how was the class?

I wish that all of them would have been as excited as a few of them were. But it went pretty well. They have all improved so much in a short period of time. It was hard to help all of the students so I spent a lot of my time with the ones that were struggling. I wish I could have spent more time with The ones that were doing well. I think that they would be much better by now.

You can always get emails and set up an unofficial club for those who want to learn further

I am pretty sure I am not allowed to do that. Communicating with students outside of school is highly frowned upon.

Thats awesome right on man!

well if you happen to start a yoyo club in your area and they happen to hear about it would it still be frowned upon?