Have you ever had a yoyo apprentice that stuck with it?

I’ve tried to teach two people to yoyo but ultimately they faded out and quit. Have you had any luck?


Working on it got a few kids I’m showing let’s see if they stick with it


I have a younger friend at my church who has made incredible progress. I taught him the basics four months ago, and he’s now learned tricks like Maximum Overdrive, Kamikaze, and is trying to make his own tricks. He’s improving with the same speed and vigor that I did when I started two years ago.


That’s great!


I was the yoyo apprentice of my 4th grade counselor, and i stuck with it. I think he used to browse this forum about 6 years ago. I will find him in here one day. He did tell me to buy a starbrite from here when they were on sale and i scooped the green one. I havent seen hin since 5th grade i gotta find him.

This was in Las Vegas, and if you reading this you know. Ok i still got that yyf one with me if you wondering


I was the apprentice as well… saw my friend throwing in college, i was amazed. Picked up a Fireball in 2001 and have been ben hooked ever since. I recently gave my friend 2 yoyos as a gift to thank him for introducing me to this awesome hobby.

In chiropractic college i started a yoyo club and had 3 regulars… they each bought a bumblebee from proyo which i thought was amazing at the time… but none have stuck with it.
My brother also got into throwing over the years from watching me. I would say he is the only person I’ve gotten into throwing. Throwing with my brother is one of the best ways i can think of spending my time.


I have a life coach who also works with some younger kids (7-9 years old) who have some anger issues and such (poor kids have had rough lives).
Anyhow, we’ve talked about starting a yoing club with them as it’d give them something fun to work on with a couple of very supportive adults…while also possibly giving them a way to relieve some of their anger and also giving them something they can really be proud about.

But one of the big things I’m worried about…is just this. Them getting either bored of it, or really frustrated and then not having any fun with it…and I wouldn’t want to force things on them you know?


I wouldn’t worry about that too much. I suspect the life coach knows how to avoid pushing it on them and honestly, for some kids depending on their situation, any positive experience would be a boon. Also, they might not stick with it now but rediscover it as adults and look back at it as a positive experience and pick it back up again when they need something positive. That’s what I did. I didn’t have a yoyo mentor or anything but I have super positive memories of throwing Brains and Fireballs during the 90s yoyo boom. I picked yoyo back up a couple of years ago (around when the Deep State was released) when I was really struggling with depression precisely because of those fond memories, and it’s been a positive in my life ever since.

So don’t sweat it too much. Just focus on doing something positive for those kids. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, it could have a bigger impact on one of their lives than you’ll ever know.


Not with the yoyo. But with fire props.

There’s this kid that would watch our show at the local haunted house. He liked us so much that He would show up almost every night we were there, not even going for the haunt. He did this for 2 seasons and then started showing up at our open practice nights. One of my teammates actually started calling him my Padewon.:joy:
That was many years ago (maybe 10)and he still throws fire. In fact Rudy is a member of our team now. He’s family.


I discovered an odd thing about teaching others. Often they quit, but amazingly they often come back to yoyoing years later and really enjoy it, long after they have left the area. Leaving me to yoyo, yet alone lol. Teaching others to yoyo is about them, they do it as they please, when they please, if they please and often the one that has inspired them never knows that they yoyo. I guess that’s really how it should be.


Nope. At least not yet. I once gave a decent yoyo to a friend, and after about a week I’ve never heard of anything yoyo related from him. Well today, I asked him if he still played with it. He doesn’t lol.


I kinda had 2, my dad and my cousin, my dad bought a yo-yo king bimetal off of Amazon, like 30 bucks and bought my cousin a dinky super horrible non sleeping magic Yoyo, my cousin learned to about rock the baby, but since his Yoyo only span for 7 seconds, he couldn’t really do anything else and it died off. My dad used to do it when he was a kid, just like the classic stuff though, and he switched his Yoyo to unresponsive because it wasn’t very responsive in the first place, and I tought him to bind, and do brain twister.


None so far, LOL! However I am babysitting two little girls who have taken quite a big interest in it. Maybe it will stick.


I had a friend who yoyoed with me every recess from grade 5 to grade 9, and actually managed to get as good as me (we’re talking spirit bomb, superman, some horizontal, we were both hilariously fast learners) and then he just stopped. No idea why, and from grade 9 to grade 12, I bugged him once or twice a month to get off his ■■■ and come throw with me, but to no avail. No idea what went wrong, we had an unbelievable amount of fun together.


I’ve been teaching a friend of mine for about a year now. He’s actually getting pretty good, the problem is that I don’t know what tricks to teach beginners. He usually asks me to teach him the tricks I do, but he actually learns them. The iwasawa tower was one of the first tricks he learned. I gave him a shutter and now he was a wrist mount combo that ends in a GT suicide. The crazy thing is he can actually catch it consistently. If you can jump straight to that level then why not I guess


I really enjoy spreading the yoyo love. 5 months ago a friend of my father’s in Isreal started throwing. My father gifted him a yoyo on my recommendation. With in 3 weeks he sent me a video of him doing a front mount, and a question. So i offered to do a TaW with him. He is also a professional ballet dancer so that probably helps his learning curve, and he has a very whole body flow style that seems natural. This week he sends me a video combining super flow with elihops. Very cool to see his progress. He has also amassed a very r respectable collection of his own.


ONLY 5 months ago?!?! That is a huge advancement! Wow. That is quick progress! Some people grasp very quickly.


No. Some have shown more interest, so I gave them a yo-yo. I am on my own with this interest for the most part, at least offline.


Just one. I gave a throw to every kid in Smartsville and only one guy stuck with it.


I think his career as a professional dancer gives him a edge.