Yoyo Storage

If you keep your toto goxes, how so you store the boxes and the yoyos in such a manor that the proper yoyo can be returned to it’s particular box? I ask because I am old and trying to prepare for when I become incapacitated and someone else has to deal with them.


I just remember which box goes with each yoyo. Unless it’s a particularly collectible yoyo I don’t think people really care about the box anyways.

You could unfold the boxes and catalog them in a folder? Label them with a photo of the corresponding yoyo.

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It might be a lot, but I keep a spread sheet with my yo-yo information. It includes a cup, and profile photo. All the boxes are stored away in a tub.


I usually just keep the unique ones that aren’t generically labeled, and break them down flat if they can be, and actually found a super slim, but deep set of drawers that fits perfectly in the guest room and keep them all in there. Also just took some slips of cardboard and made dividers within the drawers to keep them relatively arranged by 3-4 manufacturers each for the bottom two drawers and free-for-all for the ones I don’t have as much of a large collection of for the top drawers.

I also have an Airtable with all of my throws organized with Brand, Name, Picture, Material, and a handful of other specs and stuff I find interesting, so there’s a visual match to each yoyo if ever needed.


U could take some pics of your throws sitting on top of or next to their corresponding boxes… might help


I haven’t thought that far ahead.

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Thanks. Reading replies so far, I realized that that is probably the easiest solution. I am old enough that when someone says photo, I still think of a hard copy. I realized that a file on the computer will work.


I think too far ahead sometimes, haha. I also have a QR code sticker on the side of a couple of my display shelves that include the password and link to the Airtable, lol.

I want my children to go to deserving homes if something ever happens to me. :rofl:

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You are still a young man.

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How many yo-yos are we talking about? Do you have a picture of your collection?

I’m not sure and I haven’t any pictures, yet, but 1 July is coming to an end and a census and evaluation are in order.

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