Yoyo "Must Haves"

From what I understand, any yoyoer who’s any yoyoer should have a FHZ.

I should probably get one of those then…

I was at the meeting. Peaks play well, but I’m not a fan of high walls. They slow down spintimes and are a horizontal nightmare. As many Peak owners put it, they’re fun throws, but pretty much sit on your shelf looking pretty

not for me :slight_smile: the last year my most played yoyo has been my 1st run 28s peak.
it’s an old yoyo granted, but the feeling I get from playing it or a bape are something else.

brings a smile to my face every time.

Agreed that the peak and bape are just hype machines

also adding

code 2

WE SHALL GOETH IN STRIKE! We’ll stay on strike together and forever insert Spongebob here, if anyone gets that reference

CLYW Chief (absolute must)
YYF 09’ Genesis
OD x CLYW Summit (someday!)
Clint Armstrong Sig Pokemon MVP 2 because he’s my homie. Taught me how to yoyo :slight_smile:

I’m surprised you didn’t include a whip. If I had to give up all but one I would choose my avalanche. I’m always in the mood for my avalanche.

Hey, I have must haves, a Wodden looper, a stock Dragon Fly, and a Shaqlerstar…

Must Haves are normally considered older throws that play beastly but are not made anymore (When I see it used, at least.)

I know a real 4A must have is the YYJ Aquarius and OF Fiesta for me. I don’t like the XX as much. Still fine, but I loved the OG Fiesta.

you’re just wrong :slight_smile:
I’ve seen a few people try to compare old yoyos to something like a positron…
I guess you had to be there when the peak was released and see what was in the market back then.

keep in mind that the peak was the first yoyo that came sili recessed out the box.

we’ll agree to disagree

I just recently bought a peak, and personally, I think it plays great!! So what if it has high walls. If you’re good at playing straight, the high walls don’t matter. Sure it’s not the best playing thing around now-a-days compared to what’s “hot” today, but it still plays very well for how long ago it was made.

Mine is definitely going to be a player. It came with some very minor damage, which eliminates the urge to keep it mint. Whoever has peaks “sitting on a shelf looking pretty”, has some pretty sad yoyos :wink:

The Peak was great when it came out, though it doesn’t quite live up to todays standards.


Some fixed axle. Doesn’t need to be a Duncan Imperial
Probably a DM2

Code 2

There are three in my opinion:

  1. Fixed axle
  2. Transaxle
  3. Bearing (unresponsive)

Each provide unique opportunities and adventures.

A high wall yoyo
A low wall yoyo
A looping yoyo
A fix axel yoyo
And a prized yoyo

Thread unclear, got yoyo stuck in oven.

I don’t believe there are any ‘must haves’ for any yoyoer. The only yoyo you ever MUST have is a yoyo. Any yoyo.

If you meant what I’m dying to play, nothing. There are a few I want to try out (digging the looks of the Triton), but I’ve gotten to a point where I’ve played so many I thoroughly scratched that itch.

Bape wasn’t, Peak was in my opinion a hype machine. I really doubt the peak was the first to use a Sili Recess either. Caribou for the longest time swore they did Splash Anno first.

A must have for anyone who likes Older, Smaller, heavy floaty yo-yos that played like a dream should own a Broken Yos Sumo, and maybe the Foxland Precision Katz Meow (Any version, I love them). I like Dif-e-yos, too. And Si

Now, for an older yo-yo I have always enjoyed and wanted are the Team Losi set of yo-yos. I got my hands on a Silver edition Cherry Bomb, and I am happy. A lot of older throws are very well made. Expecially when you consider Losi is actually a RC Car maker. Their yo-yos were made well, and a lot of peeps I know would kill to take my newly acquired Silver Cherry Bomb.

There’s nothing about these two words that are true. Kuya and Sunny LITERALLY built their brand around ‘hype’. They’ve flat out stated that.

The Bapezilla was absolutely a hype machine.