YoYo+ Hiking = Yoyoing at 13500 feet

Hey all,

Summer is becoming bold and giving us nice days here in CO to hike mountains. I have been going out almost every weekend now.
On June 1, I did Mt Elbert which is the second highest mountain in the contiguous USA. Unfortunately at around 14100 feet, I decided to dump my backpack to proceed further. My AC2 was in my backpack and so I could not take photos with it on the summit.
So last weekend I did Parry peak and Mount Bancroft which are around 13500 feet. I had my AC2 with me here :smiley:
Here’s a photo

This coming weekend I am going to Mt Evans. Its a 14er. I will be taking my new northern lights Bonfire there :wink:



Incredible! Great pic!

U should get a Summit :smiley:

Haha… That was a good one.
Yeah you’re right. That’d go together. I’m playing “Summit” on summit :wink:
Finding a summit would be a great quest in itself I’m sure.

Joking aside, if you like the AC2, you’d like the summit. It’s my every-day-carry, love that yoyo.

Seriously awesome pic! Looking forward to seeing more!

Man that’s awesome I’m guessing it was fun so glad you enjoyed it! By the way what part of CO do you live in cause I have cousins in Boulder.

Thanks Abby.
It was so much fun.
I am just one hour from Boulder in Fort Collins.

I hope I’d be able to take more pictures at 14ers. Hopefully Mt Evans this weekend :slight_smile:

That’s awesome man. I live in the NC mountains and bring a yoyo on every hike. I threw along the Blue Ridge Parkway last weekend. Throwing in scenic places is great.

You better actually hike up Evans and don’t drive up it and pretend you did a big hike!!! :wink: (I grew up down the mountain from there, my folks still love there)

Haha… I won’t disappoint you, sir!
What’s the fun if you drive up the mountain! We are taking the West Ridge route from Guanella pass. Its not the standard route and will make the hike more challenging.

To support, I will also attach the photos that I’ll take along the way :slight_smile:
Here’s a link to last week’s hike. On FB when I posted this photo of me Yoyoing at Parry peak, someone said its photo-shopped. LOL.
Have a look at all the photos yourself :slight_smile:

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