Okay so I was just Watching Today’s Episode of =3 (RWJ’s Videos) and at the End, this Guy says as The Comment Question of the Day, “Whats Your Favorite Toy?” then It Shows him a Short Video of him doing a Matrix with some sort of YYJ yoyo. Now, I was Pretty Surprised to see that. I mean, it was Tottally Unexpected and when I saw him start doing the Matrix, I was Blown Away by Amazement. Now a TON of People on Youtube are gonna see that and Know that YoYos can do More then just go Up and Down! If you Saw that, What was Your Reaction?
(I would Post the Video so you could see, but The Video would be Way to Inopropriate, and has a lot of Curse Words so this Thread would Probably get Locked or Deleted. To see the Video, Type in “RWJ” on Youtube and go to his Page, the Video is Called “WINDOW LICKER” and It Starts on 4:58
-Cody Wright