Yoyo Boomers Club

We’re all gone now.


Has anyone spoken to @Grendel recently? he hasn’t been online in awhile; I haven’t been around long enough to know if this is typical.


Why not @Grendel and see if he shows up?


I hope it was a nice meeting. I miss seeing yall and listening to the banter.

I tried to be on but I just spent the last 13 hours holding up a kneecapped network, only for the core switch to finally burn out. I had to throw an emergency stack together and, let me tell you, schools aren’t known for keeping extra equipment around (at least expensive networking equipment)… it was a nightmare. No one will appreciate what I’ve done, but it’s a learning experience. Trial by fire since the boss couldn’t help. All I know is there’s a Mac flap going on and it’s going to wreak havoc once the kids start pulling bandwidth. I hate cobbling things together.


I feel this and feel for you. Wishing you a Christmas week of no issues

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Meeting was nice I only could be in for a short bit cause I needed to put kids to bed

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YYE won’t let me upload this absolute piece of art in text mode, so here’s a picture of something I whipped up:



Hey Everyone! Just letting everyone know that I finally begged Jake to let us preorder the AL7 Pac Storm Mongoose. If you are interested in helping us reach our order minimum I would be super thankful.


Not a fan of thw RBC either @rkalajian .:sweat_smile:

The Harbinger is a different story. Its a lot better.

Oh, and hi guys! Just around here for a little while.:slightly_smiling_face:

Hopefully I can make the next meet, @Pun1sh3R .


Too small is the problem. With a larger diameter it would feel more powerful and have higher halls to catch and hold stalls and varials better. As @AaronW said, seek out a Harbinger. Same weight, much bigger diameter and much better play.

Trouble is, every time Mark and I trid to upsize the RBC design, it just weighed too much for my liking. The Harbinger is able to be a full sized design because it has no caps.
The gap was just a hair to narrow on the RBC too, Harbinger has a 2.4mm gap rather than the 2.3mm of the RBC.

We are addressing the issues with the RBC by releasing a polycabonate larger one next year.


glad to have ya back around, even if just for a bit


Still love the metal Harbinger. Pretty confident at this point that it will stay in my collection and playing rotation.

If anyone doesn’t have one start searching, it’s a really great 0A yoyo, I’d put it up there with (or above) most 0A yoyos.

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Which OA yoyos beat it @AaronW ? I’d be interested to know.

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The caps and shape on the rbc make it one of the most comfortable throws in my collection. It’s not the best YoYo’s but hand feel it’s best there is.


I wouldn’t say anything “beat it”. My Alleycat’s are just home to me. I’ve played them for so long that they’re real comfortable to me.

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I also actually love the size, it’s phenomenal for a pocket throw, or just something I can slide in my briefcase, but still has a ton of versatility to it. I was also doing a lot of FAF on an Imperial though, so I thought the gap wasn’t too bad, haha!

Do agree that the Harbinger is a killer throw as well.
I feel like the RBC was kind of 0A leaning towards Looping, and the Harbinger was 0A leaning towards String Tricks


Maybe not beat the Harbinger… I am hoping the Workhorse gives it a run for its money.

Friendly competition of course.


TL;DR: RBC is looping king and has the best hand feel out of all throws of ALL time.
Workhorse is, between these three, jack of all 0-2A trades
Harbinger is in between and better than RBC if hand feel is of no importance (which is straight up blasphemy, imo).

Personally, as an expert novice and with an opinion that hand feel is of the utmost importance:

RBC > Workhorse > Harbinger

RBC / Harbinger are both incredibly excellent at what they were designed to do, however, Workhorse is, but not in and of itself, the jack of all trades, with respect to the competition between these three throws.

Let me explain. If I wanted to go from looping one minute then a stall trick the next then cap it all off with split the atom, Workhorse will let me accomplish this with ease. If all I wanted to do was loop, loop, and loop some more, I’ll grab my RBC or Harbinger.

That being said, none of these throws are bad by any measurable means, in fact, these are all actually my top 3 responsive throws, hands down, in that, while not working, you can bet big money that if you pocket check me, at least one of these will be in my pocket.

But I think between RBC and Harbinger, @Son-of-Morris said it best


Lets Ride