Yoyo Boomers Club

My Workhorse v2 arrived today. Played it next to the v1, and it doesn’t help at all, but not sure which I’d pick if I had to. They’re both great and glad I have both. Looking forward to seeing what the Founding Member option is!


I like this idea, just black with that engraving. Maybe with an extra “Founding Member” engraving on it?

I like the idea of proto green with rust coloured speckle or splash ano.

But if Jake says anything goes then this is what I’d ask for

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I’ve been thinking about it more and more. I think the founding member option needs to include their forum name


O T Three T-Rexes are walking when one of them brushes against a shiny stone.
A genie appears and grants them one wish each.

The first says
“Make a huge hunk of meat fall from the sky in front of me.”
The genie clicks his finger and it happens. The first T-Rex begins eating happily.

Thinking of the possibilities the second T-Rex yells
“Make a shower of meat all over the place.”
Again the genie clicks his finger and it begins showering small chunks of meat which the second T-Rex begins snatching up.

The third T-Rex, not satisfied, roars
“Make the same as the last one, but make it a MEATIER SHOWER!”


The YYBC non charter member could have Participant

This sounds even more awesome than anything!!!:smiley:

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That would be EPIC.

Can mine just say Berv?


1 - founding member. Engraving on black with user name
2 - Club pre order - g2 Nebula colorway no engravings
3 - club pre order - colorway? with space wagon
4 - clue pre order - ??
5 - stock for non members / new in the future - solid clear - space wagon engraving?
6 - stock for non members / new future members - open to ideas, these 3 are my suggestions to pick 1- unicorn fade (blue to pink) - solid black no engraving - multi color speckle


Unicorn Fade is always a solid choice. I really like the Ghosted Berry too, but that might be a future consideration for the Operator. :slight_smile:


Honestly, I’m down for anything. I’m just excited that we’re moving to the production model!


Well shoot a founding member with username would be pretty awesome


Update on shirts. I’ve tried to coordinate a picture in these. It’s been less than fruitful. Still working on it though

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I haven’t been pervin’ for pictures of you in shorts. Should I be?


(It took a minute and I realized you meant shirts. But I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.)


Please do not shoot a founding member :grimacing:


I wanna be in for a founding memeber if i can please
Edit: had a look at mememer list if its in order i was 22nd

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I didnt join this forum until after the club was founded :frowning:
Nebula sounds dope though


Founding Members along with Members are listed in the first post.

Founding Members were the individuals that signed on during the club charter for this to become a club.