Yoyo Boomers Club

Schmoove, schmoove, schmoove!!!


Does that mean 1 or 3? :joy:


4 obviously


1 in the wall, 1in the cup and 1 on the rim?


Personally, I really like Organics, but stability suffers a lot of time with that.
I feel like the stepped profile organic has been underutilized. In my opinion, that helps remove some material more from the center with those cuts and helps keep it a little more in the rims, giving the comfort of an organic with that little bump in stability. Might just be me and my 2cents though.

Also always a fan of D-Bearings :wink:

Edit: I realize I’m actually kind of describing the VHS at this point, haha. Ummmmm… with a matador spike! Or Double Rims are always fun as well.
Keeping with the Workhorse/Station Wagon theme, it could be the Trucker Spike, like the trucker wheels you always see on the road, haha!


I just don’t think I’m prepared to operate under that kind of pressure at this particular juncture!!


It just means there better be at least one, no more than 3 :rofl:

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Why would you want to ruin a perfectly good organic?

We’re boomers!! What the heck is sTaBiLiTy?!


The spikes could stick past the rim edge, because we live dangerously, the old “we didn’t wear helmets” mindset, plus you could finger grind them by setting the spikes on both fingers, like the pegs we used to put on our bikes. :rofl:

Obviously kidding…kind of.

Behold the Trucker Spike!


I’m in where to I throw my money. These better cause bodily harm


I was go big floaty organic light weight and make the bearing a 5mm kk bearing with metal spacers like a raider. Really keep us guessing and wondering what the hell we where thinking

I kind of like where this thought is going. Everybody loves the organic because of the comfort and people know they will lose performance but don’t mind…because the organic feels so good in the hand. I like the idea of finding a way to get the comfort AND the performance. I don’t have the kind of knowledge necessary to say this or that will cause that or this to happen, but I think that with as many heads as there are here along with the wisdom and guidance of the designers involved, we could come up with the near perfect junction of comfort and performance. I liked the idea of the stepped profile Organic, and I know I’ve been super impressed by an organic V. I mention these only as a few examples. I can’t offer much beyond that as I just don’t have the experience with unresponsives under my belt yet to know what the differences are like. But I know I’ll be buying at least one of these when they come out!! :smiley:

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Now we’re freakin talkin! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

But seriously, we don’t want spikes, do we?

Do we? :thinking:

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I really think there’s room to go bigger on these spikes


I’m thinking about the size of stunt pegs.


I like spikes but I don’t need spikes

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I personally prefer a double rim to a spike. I might prefer hubstacks to both.


I wish RSM’s never died. I’d kill to be able to randomly throw stacks on my Sudo whenever I wanted.


I can appreciate a double rim for sure!


Im less excited about hubstacks. They are fun but a few throws I have them on I rarely use them. Spikes though. Spikes I remember to use.

I’m also a quiet yoyo person so hubstacks don’t really appeal to that aspect as much.