Yoyo battles

Hello I am your host Kris. This is Yoyo battles. First off we are doing signature series this time. The first yoyo is by Andre Boulay this yoyo is the yoyojam trinity. The next yoyo is by Hiroyuki Suzuki this yoyo is the yoyojam phenomizm. And the last yoyo of this battle by Yuuki Spencer is the yuuksta. To cast in your votes put a 1 for the trinity a 2 for the phenonizm and a 3 for the yuuksta on this topic. Thanks.

3, I like the yuuksta. All around great throw

-the creep :wink:

3, the phenomizm is the only one i have :stuck_out_tongue:



So is your vote number 2 or 3? Thanks

Thanks for your votes.

OK the vote has ended this is now the second episode. The first yo-yo is the signature series of Andrea Boulay and id the dark magic 2. The next yo-yo is the signature series of Johnny Devale this yoyo is the hitman pro. The last yo-yo is signature series of John Ando this yo-yo is the protostsr. To cast in your votes reply the name of the yo-yo you vote for. Thanks for all the votes on the first battle and thanks in advance for all the votes on this battle.




Sorry, I ment to write 2. :slight_smile:

1, 2, and 3


That’s fine.