Yovember - Movember: YYBC Community Challenge for Men's Health!

Just to clarify, thats not a requirement of the club. :joy:

But I enjoy doing it. Although I typically give Duncans.


Did a little cleanup before the holidays. Stash still going strong


Daily dad joke 24

Why did the pharmacist walk on her tiptoes?

She didn’t want to wake the sleeping pills.


Looking more and more dapper!

It my wife’s reaction but thank you

One Week left!

Light a yoyo on fire = :white_check_mark:
Give away 5 yoyos = :white_check_mark:
Donate to Movember = :white_check_mark:
Play one yoyo for one month with one string with @archiesdad = In Progress
Play Online yoyo Horse = “Hor” - Need someone to post the next trick please.

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I got you, @Pun1sh3R!

Let me know if I misunderstood the rules
 I neglected to read them. :sweat_smile:

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Thank you.

Is this a Kick Flip Dump Truck?

I cant tell if its just a pop up to a regen or a flip to the regen?

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Looked like a mid-kick-flip dump regen to me!
Either way, I’m at “Ho” now.
I actually landed the kickflip instead when trying this on the first shot, haha!

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 let me get someone to help me record it so you can see better
 sorry! :sweat_smile:

 I think this should help? Sorry for the bad video— I’ve never recorded with my phone in my mouth before. :rofl:

Edit: figured I should clarify, after the whatever-you-call-it regen thingy, you’re supposed to land in a trapeze stall
 I forgot to do that in the second video.

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Update Week 4:

  1. Raise money for the cause: Movember - Home - :white_check_mark:
  2. Light a yoyo on fire (without setting the forest on fire) - :white_check_mark:
  3. Mustache scratch, no trim - :hourglass_flowing_sand:
  4. Single throw all month - :no_entry:
  5. Same string all month - :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Getting close to the end! Still rocking my Vapor string, which has gotten a second cleaning. Mustache is starting to grow into my mouth, which is yucky. I’m looking forward to a bit of a trim at the end of the month.


One of the reasons I do this every year is to try to inform men that we are not the superheroes we think we are. We are not 20 and invincible anymore (Unless you are 20 and still invincible).

But even then, 20 year olds are not invincible either. We have an example of this in our club. Check out Mr. Warner’s Experience

I was just notified that a friend for over 24 years has passed this weekend. His wife and two daughters (One still in High School) just came into my office to let me know. Gentleman was in his early 50’s.

Apparently, he has been having stomach issues for quite some time. On Tuesday, he finally went to the Doctor. Came home on Thursday on Hospice. Passed Yesterday. Stomach Cancer.

It breaks my heart to see the wife and daughter’s hearts broken and scared of what they are going to do now. The father was the primary breadwinner in this family. These women are strong and brave, given the season they are now in.

I want to use this tough story to remind us that we don’t have to be “Tough Guys.” If something, anything, isn’t quite right, Go get checked out. This is another example of “If we caught it earlier, things could have been a lot different.”

Yes, I cried! It is ok for men to cry.

I apologize for the bleak post. Unfortunately, it is fitting for what we are doing.


tbf it just takes a sappy commercial to turn me into a blubbering mess these days, but the first time something heavy happened, i made sure to not hide my crying from my daughter. it was important to me to show her that dads got sad and vulnerable too. it doesn’t do any of us good to shy away from emotions. also yes PLEASE GET THE THINGS LOOKED AT!! and do the preventative stuff. if not for you, for the ones that need you around. i was the male influence in my brother’s life growing up because our old man checked out on us. he lived and died an alcoholic smoker and emphysema got him. he never told us he even had it. we found out when he died and he never quit smoking. don’t be my dad. I’m not going to say i never learned good lessons from him, but i also learned a heck of a lot about what not to do


I’ve always been bad at mental health pushing my emotions and feelings to the side and powering through. Remembering the words of my father. “Just shake it off son you’re fine” and “men don’t cry kid buck up” and so on. Now many years later I tap the box on my shelf as I head down the stairs and wish my dad could have seen is grandkids.

I’ve also spent most of my life ignoring my health not cause I think I’m invincible but because like a frog being slowly boiled or a ford ranger owner driving that truck till the bolts fall off. I just don’t notice the progression of things until one day I do something like put on skates at a roller rink with the kids and realize “shoot my leg doesn’t do that anymore” by that I mean lift. Spinal nerve damage will apparently do that who would have thunk it.

Either way all that to say I fully support this cause and men’s health advocacy both mental and physical health. I’ve known too many people who tied their self worth to a marriage or job or something with non permanence and when things went south took the permanent way out of the situation.


Helps if I would read before I post. Man that’s tragic. Watching my wife deal with the aftermath of her mother passing and her fathers health declining (he has an aortic aneurism that’s way past due to be remediated and now needs very serious surgery sooner than later to ensure he sticks around)

I recently reached out to a lawyer to talk about a living will. I reached out to a few folks I trust in this community to put contact info together in the event I pass suddenly they can help my wife offload the silly YoYo collection. I increased my life insurance.

I’ve also dedicated to losing significant weight over the next few years as that’s my biggest risk factor.

I worry if something ever happened to me my wife would struggle and there isn’t much of a support group in our family that exists for her today.


Incoming Dad joke!


I am now at “Hors”.

I landed the first trapeeze stall. Popped it up and over my non throw hand. Then the yoyo snagged on the unwind. Bummer.

Fun trick I will be working on more Snoopy!

Thank you for that one.

Anyone else want to post a Horse Game trick?

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Glad to hear you like it! I’m not good at coming up with fixie tricks, but that one was my first love.

I wouldn’t feel good posting a trick when you’re at “Hors” already, maybe we should let you have the next turn to try and knock some people’s letters off, haha!
The Hail Mary clause. :upside_down_face: