Can I mix the ranch and ketchup to make fancy sauce?
Good question. I suppose the answer would be no just due to the fact that it’s a challenge for your life but i like the way you think.
Can you add a category for “I choose death”
Yes but then you have to drink 2 gallons
That’s just a Wednesday
@YoYoExpertEric and @AndreBoulay what sauces are you drinking to save your life? The scenario is in the poll for reference
Never. Just shoot me and get it over with
I used to put ketchup on everything as a kid so it’s really no contest for me. Ranch and Tartar sauce are both mayo based so they’d be more filling and gross and mustard is kinda spicy so just no.
Ketchup. Always ketchup.
Bumping for more survey info
Ranch but I’m metagaming because of the vinegar.
…Although, maybe I don’t want to avoid the vinegar. Nothin in the rules says I gotta keep it down.
Mustard, the spiciest option and also my least favourite.
I’d hold as much as I can in my mouth, and spit it straight into the eyes of the strange men with firearms rendering them blind and aimless. I’d reload a second mouthful just incase, and dump the remaining mustard at their feet causing them to slip and fall.
Once they were prone, I’d dose ‘em with a few more ocular mustard blasts if needed and make my (not so clean) get away.
i prefer ketchup but a gallon of any of those in an hour would probably kill me anyway. i choose bullet in that case.