You're thinking about her, who is she?

My wife and three little girls!

Yes, use punctuation so we can understand you. Iā€™m not trying to be snarky, but it really would help.

Hate her

Bruh, Listen to me as in a feedback position, this is what I always follow and I hope you follow as well. Donā€™t do another round, Think about it like this, There is a reason on why you guys broke up no matter what it may be. I get it you think or you know you can make it better, But the question is is the significant other willing to make it better? Probably not, Because she decided to break up, just take it as a sign of space. Iā€™m telling you right now people who go for another round, 80% of them are in a unsuccessful relationship. Because most of them cant move on from the previous relationship they had together. But im telling you, The best way to move on is donā€™t think about her, isolate yourself away from her whether it may be social media or a subject that may pop up around your buddies. Just remember there is a reason why you guys broke up.

sorry I have trouble typing on my kindle, also donā€™t be a grammar Nazi it would really help.

Iā€™m not trying to be a grammar Nazi, but when you type something using no punctuation and numerous spelling mistakes, it simply becomes impossible to understand.

My little cousin behind me who keeps following me, copying me, and driving me insaneā€¦ >:(