your smoothest yoyo

That I have owned- h2o
That I currently own- i dont care because anything but the worst vibe doesnt bother me, but if i had to pick id have to say my punchline

Just want to bring up, this is almost just as much about the bearing as the yoyo.

My Agape plays dead smooth.

Me SB Skyychaser and YYF G5

whichever one i’m playing at the time. none of the other ones move at all.

the cut is smooth
the pistolero is smoother
and the enigma is like spreading butter on a baby’s behind with a silk feather duster…


5-star v2

BvsM Wolverine and Gacek’s EYYC BOSS

Oh the M1’s. so smooth.

the cut

I LOL’ed at this.

Meh Menehune.