Your opinion: Protege Vs. Yuuksta

So tell me guys, what yoyo do you like better and why?

Make sure to list your pros and cons on each yoyo and which one you think is better! Thanks!

Well i only tried the yuuksta
so i can’t give u any info on protage

But Yuuksta

1.Not very good at grinding

1.long spin time
2.nice speed and horizontal

These are all the pros and cons on my yuuksta
In my opinion
Hope this helps ^^
Happy New Year :smiley:

What are you talking about? The Yuuksta is my best grinder.

Yeah, The Yuuksta is an Amazing Grinder, and Amazing Overall.
I would Easily choose a Yuuksta over Protege. :wink:
The Protege is Smooth as Butter, and Stable, but doesn’t Sleep as Long as the Yuuksta.
The Yuuksta is also Very Smooth, Stable, and Sleeps Extremely Long. :wink:

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