Your Most Satisfying Trick

Hey. I was wondering what your most satisfying trick you have learned in your yo-yoing adventure. I don’t mean what is your most difficult trick. For example, mine was finally being able to land a split bottom mount nearly every time. It was very frustrating at first :wink: , but was oh so satisfying when i could do it. ;D So, what was yours?

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I just came up with a trick called Screaming Mimi, and the first time I landed it was like WAHOO!!

mine is the “And Whut” :smiley:

Me too!! It took me a really long time, and was my first master trick. I still remember nailing that first time :slight_smile:

Brent Stole…

Ladder Escape


And what because when I first saw those master tricks I thought I would never get there, so when I did I was so proud.

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My original trick Quazar. It starts with a midair thumb catch thingy and goes on to have ripcord, jade whip, slack, and kwijibo elements while ending with a finger grind to ninja vanish. There’s nothing like the end catching that thing in a ninja vanish. Gets a smile every time

Platinum Whip and variations.

The most satisfying moment in my yoyoing life when I could honestly say, “I can do a trapeze.”

All other tricks - at least for me - pale in comparison to that critically important building block.

Mine would have to be Spirit Bomb. I went insane when I got that last pop and the dismont ;D

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mine was the pentagonal or nothing,basicaly its after quadruple or nothing.every body said the gap between your fingers was way too small to even dream of acomplishing it.but i prooved them wrong.

The first time I got Organized down pat.

Quadrouple Brent stole. I was going for a laceration, but who cares?

trapeze, split bottom, spirit bomb and revolutions are some but the most recent was ninja vanish

Another one for me is plastic whip. It was my first whip trick. I was sooo proud when I landed it for the first time. ;D

Trapeze all the way :wink:

I have been soo exited for a few other tricks, but nothing like the trapeze.

I just like RedWarp, It was so satisfying to be able to honestly say, “I can do a trapeze.” :smiley:

Double or nothing, i learned it when i just had a fireball, i thought i made it up :stuck_out_tongue: I remember watching a video of this guy doing rewind in slow motion and i was like…ill never be that good…but now look at me!!! WOOO I LOVE YOYOING!!!

HaHa! Hi Bro same wif you. I didn’t managed to do the bottom mount spilt at first and now i can land it most of the time! Cheers! ;D