Your first Master Level Trick?

Ladder Escape,trying to do it smoothly.It’s hard as hell >:(

And Whut

This was like a year ago…but Hour Glass haha I remember I was so stoked, I landed it on my hitman and jumped up and down with joy!

suicide isn’t a master trick

white buddah, then and whut then plan d then superman

Yeh ladder escape is hard to get smooth, but you caa add your own style to it with extra rotations and stuff. To get smooth you just gotta do it LOADS AND LOADS. :slight_smile:

When you get to that part where you’re an the 2nd part of Budda"s Revenge, just kinda “chop” your index finger sharply into the string wrapped over your NTH index finger and the yoyo will pop out.

I learned elements from white Buddah and combined them with Yuuki slack to create my own master trick

I call it “Twisted Buddah”

Totally agree with you. :wink:

Spirit Bomb is so much harder than White Buddha, haha.

It was White Buddha. It’s so easy. It really should be in the Advanced part of the tutorials. I skipped around so much on the Trick list, and eventually just stopped and started making some of my own up. If I want to learn tricks, I go to