Your favorite yoyo and string combination

Mine is magicyoyo N12 with snake bit strings

Summit with YYSL Ammo

Co Lab with Twisted StringZ type E

ATM a Recrev Mangaroo with a Crocostrings Marshmallow.

7075 gambit with crocostrings cat tails or fantasy chords!

Especially barefoot, it adds to the experience.

YYC SE Spectrum with Fat Kitty
Wish I could find something that lasts longer than Fat Kitty that still keeps the same feel. That would be my dream string :slight_smile:

g2 triton or al7 triton and digital strands string on a boss rage bearing (dry)

Werrd fruiture with yellow blueprint or fat nylon kitty. The blueprint and kitty have a nice thin feeling to them when slightly stretched before use. It also still allows it to be paired with a ripple or crucial grooved.

Irony JP 2k13 with Blueprint string.

Bonus info - Gold CT bearing and IR Pads.

One Drop Benchmark H & DMII with Kitty fat green or red.

DM2 with YoyoStringLab venom multicolor poly/Cotten blend

Jackie Moon P2 with Gator Floss.

YYF Aviator with Toxic Lacers
Puffin with Toxic Lacers

Poor blackbird.

yoyorecreation blink with long, fat polyester string. best combo I have