Your Favorite CLYW Yoyo?

I think CLYW is yeah…a conspiracy!
Heard it on this forum… :’(

I love the AC2!


Bonfire. It keeps me warm at night

Why? Over 40% of everyone on the teams favorite yoyo is the Orca

ya same I kind of expected chief, Sasquatch, Avalanche, puffin2, orca to be pretty much tied

this means nothing.

And I’m even more surprised that he listed BVM1 and BVM2 on the same line?

They are so different that the BVM2 should have been given its own name.

40% ?

So if you count the Midget then it would be 45% ?

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ac2, but scout is underrated

I love my orca.

I love my CLYW FG Artic Circle 2.
Even made some YoNinjaYo string color mix for it. It looks great together. Doesn’t it look beautiful.

Yo. I just had to come back and say… THE SCOUT IS AWESOME!!!

I gotta send some love to the Summits (both regular and seven summit)

It always comes back to the Chief with a good quiet bearing, fresh response, and new neon yellow string.

IM surprised we have none for the Gnarwhal 2. This has got to be my second favorite. Also Sasquatch. I love it! ?

The WM2 is not the highest performing. It stands out as my favorite without a doubt though because of its uniqueness. It just has such an amazing feel on the string and it just feels so ‘different’.

So far I have an Orca, a Chief and a Yeti. I like the Chief the best. I can see why it caused such a stir. The Orca is very nice, just wish it was a little lighter. The Yeti is a blast. It makes suicides very easy for me. It doesn’t feel like any other plastic I’ve ever played.

It might be a Yeti… I’ll know Thursday.

lucky duck

The one CLYW that endures in my case is the OG Avalanche. I dig the Marmot 2 because of the unique sweet organic shape and its comfort. But for performance - the Avalanche is still my favorite.