Your favorite/ best Ti throw. If you could have just one...?

I really am missing my crackle Ti which I got rid of… But I know there is something better out there for me… If you could only have one Ti throw… And why?! The why is important.

I’m looking for something balanced and can be thrown in any situation, kinda like a best all around.


The dazzler is my top ti throw. It’s got a great balance of performance and comfort. It has some float but the spin time is also excellent.

Ti throw are so vast now and everyone has diverse tastes that you might want to state what other throws you like to give a good base point.


Tilderness for performance, Canopy Ti for fun/casual


Yea good point, I find myself throwing most often a V2 onedrop, shutter, house of throw Sagittarius, rev1, par avion and…

I would go with the Atmos Polaris.

It plays like a larger Dazzler and only costs half of the $600 I paid years ago for the Dazzler.


Probably the Thesis AnTiThesis, but the Ti-Vayder is also a great timeless yoyo.

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Titanium Demascus Ultra Instinct aka UI by Enso YoYos

This may be my favorite yoyo ever of all time tbh :sweat_smile:


OG Mustang, just feels right for me. Comfortable and the right pace and power.


RSO Mechabapezilla SE. feels perfect in the hand, plays well, and is nearly indestructible due to being titanium and having side effects.

ETA: also uses normal size C bearing and the readily available 19mm slim pads.


Martin is really good and this one has the crackle coat

Titanium Albatross is my favorite yoyo of all time.


This isn’t all of them but I’d probably say the YYR Dazzler. Honorable mentions to the RSO Martian, and A-RT Holy Grail.

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The dazzler still being made and going down in price is crazy to me. Never would’ve guessed that 10 years ago.

Favorite: vayder, it’s a joy on the string, and it plays pretty well. Not to mention I spent nearly a decade dreaming about a Ti-Walker after trying one at an Ohio state’s comp, I was so happy they made new and slightly better ones.

Best: Tiss hummingbird (my cousin’s)

The price of Dazzler actually goes up in JPY from 60,000 to 68,000, the reason price go down as seen on website because JPY currency is a lot weaker compare to last 10 years to USD.

This also same with TP or any JP release.


Based on your current throws I would definitely checkout the ti shutter. While I haven’t heard anyone call it their favorite it’s definitely a solid choice.


few and far between battissai for me

Turning Point Soul for me.

RSO/atmos Gravity is my one choice. If they all had to go, this is the one that I would keep. It really feels indestructible! It does have some sentimental value but it’s more of the build that I like. SE allow for a nice dialed in weight distro. I don’t use caps but it’s another aspect of the design that can change the play-feel.


They are solid. I have one, it’s a well balanced and great playing throw. Mine is a little snaggy, it once snagged and caught me in the forehead once, I can still hear the titanium ding it made as it collided with skull!