Your embarrassing confession?

wait it happend with you too?
I had brentstole consistent but after I started using Alphaline string I cannot do brentstole but I still am able to do reverse idk if its because of the string or no though


No matter how many tricks i have learned over the last decade, i only seem to be able to think of say… 5 at a time.
I will throw a breakaway and as i start a trick, i am like…‘not this one again, don’ t you know anything else!
If i stop and try to recall an older trick, it will somehow take up one of those 5 tricks spots in my brain, and i will forget about any other tricks until, i repeat the process of recalling a trick. Which of course takes up another of those 5 tricks i can think of at once!


I have the same problem if I write down a list and am working on something intentionally I can do a bunch but if someone stops me and says what tricks do you know I’ll blank after a trapeze


I just destroyed a glass that was sitting on my desk when I missed a catch with my MK1 Path.


You have become Death the destroyer of glasses…….



Next stop…target practice


I’m not at all embarrassed by this, but I refuse to buy any yoyo with a stupid name.

I’m looking at you, latest C3 release.


I have been throwing on and off since 1998 but really got into it 2004ish here are a few of mine

  1. I still like to hand wind a dead yoyo
  2. Despite loving how front style looks I almost never practice it and only know like 3 tricks.
  3. I have skipped so many beginner/intermediate tricks because they do not look good to me.
  4. I suck at hooks I really need someone to show me irl some time.
  5. I have recently come to accept organic is not actually my favourite shape.

Just because I can pop start a yoyo, doesn’t mean I have to :skull:
Havnt learned 2.0 hook. I gave up
Barely can do 1.5 hook, but I mastered RBTBBS
I do routines with different yoyos as discards


I have too many yoyos.


I have 93 Yoyos.


Anytime I think I have too many yo-yos I watch this video then buy more yo-yos…


I once had to go to the ER to get my skin glued after my yoyo snagged ad hit me in the eyebrow full force. I still have the scar to this day


Me: I have 15 yoyos
Guy: Wow that a lot!
Nobody: ametures


My 200+ yo-yos (ignoring my kids yo-yos and stuff for club folks and 3d printed ones and the stuff at my house for event prizes) says I probably have enough yo-yos but I have more coming today so idk…


That’s not an embarrassing confession, that’s a brag, but also 93 is not a lot


I have been playing unresponsive since 2008. I have been playing yoyo “seriously” since 1998. I have taken a more than passing interest in yoyos since like 1993 when I was 8 years old.

  • I’ve learned every trick I’ve ever tried to learn including some pretty involved ones but every time I take a break from throwing, I forget everything I’ve learned during that most recent period. For that reason, I usually just end up throwing the same tricks I’ve known since like 2010 and earlier

  • I play my strings until they’re shedding

  • I play my pads until they fall out

  • I can’t do a snap start. Like I can, but it looks like both the yoyo and I are having a stroke and the RPMs are super low. When I was 8 and my dad bought me my first Duncan Imperial+Butterfly, he taught me how to restart my yoyo by pulling it from the bottom of the string (which to be fair is basically a snap start variation). Worked great for him when he learned it in the time of the dinosaurs, worked great when he taught it to me in the 90s, still works great for me in the 2020s. Don’t need no snap start.

  • I used to collect yoyos. Given current prices, I should have hoarded what I had for a few more years I suppose :rofl:

  • In 16 years of unresponsive yoyoing, not even the smallest hint of lube has entered one of my bearings. I don’t believe in it

  • I don’t know a single frontstyle trick that can’t be done on a responsive yoyo


This comment gave me the confidence to not learn tricks I have no interest in


That’s Ann May.

I used to shun responsive yoyos when I got into unresponsive 1A, felt that I had outgrown them. Fast forward to recent times, I am playing responsive right there with unresponsive. Have even gone back to the high wall responsives I let collect dust for 0a.