Your embarrassing confession?

Just wanted to pop in and correct this in case anyone else reading this doesn’t know/so misinformation isn’t going around - stuff spreads quick.

The Peak is the first CLYW yoyo ever made, and one of the most highly desirable yoyos in the history of yoyoing. Not to be confused with the Peak 2 (a redesigned version which came much later), or the upcoming Peak 3, or upcoming plastic Peak. It’s not apart of the Summit series at all, the first Summit came later in 2013.

There were three runs of the Peak in total, and it was produced between 2006-2010. If the history of yoyoing interests you at all, or if you just want a great, fascinating read, I encourage you to read the History Of The Peak thread. It’s a little long but definitely worth the read, and will give you a great dose of important yoyo history.