Young Entrepreneurs of YoyoExpert!

Please do not bump during the giveaway. :wink: Legyoyo gets the box…he passes on the next 3. Next item:

Second appearance of this item, any takers?

I’ll take it

Abby gets the 20 strings, passes on the next 3. Legyoyo has 2 passes to go…

Legyoyo has 1 pass left, and Abby has 2 left…

Next item:

Legyoyo back in. No takers on the dollar tree pack. :smiley:

Abby back in. No takers on the bouncy ball.

No takers on the multi-tool. Next item:

Ill take it

BC got the cards (we’ll discuss specifics later). BC passes on the next 3 items. But, items may re-appear…and maybe not. :wink:

Next item:

BC has 2 more passes to go. No takers on the cube… Next item:

Ill Take it

Erik got the stickers. BC with one more pass to go. Erik now passes on the next 3:

BC back in the game. Erik has 2 passes to go…Next item:

I’ll take it

Croc got the set of response, passes on the next 3. Erik with one pass to go:

I’ll take it,

Legyoyo got the Ammo. He passes on the next 3. Croc has 2 passes left. Erik is back in the game.

i’ll take it please finnally some stickers for my stackless GM

Okay, Abby got the second set of response, she’s out for the next 3. Legyoyo has 2 more to go and Croc has one left.

Croc is back in. Abby has 2 more to go, and Legyoyo has one more pass.

Next item: