Young Entrepreneurs of YoyoExpert!

I am going to need some more response pads soon… Hmmm… I don’t have any ideas though.

Well, it’s no rush to think of ideas now, but it would be nice to do it as a little Spring cleaning project around here. I’d basically find the stuff a new home, and mail it all out at once, as is, no tracking…just random stuff.

I’ll think of something…I always do. :wink: I’ll start going through what I have.

Cool! I’ll be looking forward to it.

Me Too

Sounds cool TA.

Well. For that one part. “I don’t want the same person grabbing everything.”

Thats a good point. Because someone could check your profile topics every hour and win something. Some other busy person, who might actually need it. Is… Well… Busy and might not see the threads. Or works the hour you post them…

Here are some random ideas…

Maybe a trivia game. Thats fun. But you don’t want questions like “What was CLYW’s first yoyo.” Or a question that can super easily be googled…

Of course there is always picture contests. Cars and yoyos :wink:

Maybe have people post a one throw yoyo video. And then put names in a hat and draw randomly. That way there is fun and no fuss.

Match a picture yoyo trick to a drawing?

Ooo. Maybe a drawing contest… Best picture of ----- drawn with Crayons only wins or something.

Maybe even people vote on a picture…

Speaking of work- I got like a reallll job too. I don’t get paid much, but I used to be an intern at a youth theater, and now I’m an assistant! So I get paid a little… But i love it and would come anyway if I wasn’t getting paid, so it’s ok! I don’t actually get the money cuz it goes to my family, who’re kinda in trouble because my dad’s been unemployed for a year and a half and I have 6 siblings, including a little sis has downsyndrome and we have to pay for her medical bills, but it still feels good knowing I have a “job” and I’m helping my family.

Cars and yoyos is too easy- black. Haha.

Idk what you should do for a contest but I know that I can’t do photo contests because my camcorder doesn’t take pictures.

There was a really cool contest a little while ago, you posted a funny Youtube video and the funniest one got a N12. Maybe you could do the same thing but a prize drawing instead?

Well…I don’t really want a contest for this one, more of a giveaway…of some real small items, but do it in a fair way. I’m just figuring out how the stuff will be distributed cheaply, easily, and without one person getting it all. For example, a few counterweights, different accessories and stuff. I’ll figure something out. I’m pretty sure I will do it in this thread though. :wink:

I’m fine with little accessories i usually dont have that many due i buying them with my own money then since most of the time i have to buy them off the internet i usually buy all this stuff all at once because shipping can be very pricey for me if i am just buying some string and a few ball bearings.

Ooooooooh counterweight! Do you have any of the bouncy balls? 5a is painful to me.

I’m pretty close to coming up with a good idea, and I’ll share it tomorrow when I’ve worked the rules out. I’ll post up some proposed rules, and let you guys see them beforehand. Then, when we finalize the rules, we’ll proceed. If it works out okay, we’ll do it every so often. It might be a good quick way for me to find some things a new home.

Yay! I’ll be excited.

I’m thinking that there will be a time window, where I will give the stuff away within an hour…maybe two days in a row, until it’s gone. What time works best for you guys. Is everyone on EST? I’m thinking start at 8:30pm EST until 9:30. Then repeat the next day.

Ok! That’s good with me. As long as I remember haha.

Well I want some dice for my 5a so we goood XD

If anyone has seen my IG videos, 5a is being put #1 for now!
Getting super good

Yeah you have :). I’m getting pretty good at it too and progressing fast. I haven’t gotten hurt in a while anyway haha.

Your skills are crazy BC. I think I’ll have a few things you guys could use. :wink: I’ll write up some proposed rules tomorrow, and hope we can get started the day after…over the weekend I hope. If that works for most people…it’s a go.