Well, better than nothing. It’s not really about how good the yo-yo looks anyway, just how well you can promote the post and get people to vote on it. Maybe I will tell them to enter as many times as they want, but I will not total votes on all posts, only take the vote count on the one that’s highest of them all. I’ll have to figure all the details out. :-\ I’m still trying to sort it out. You guys can post any ideas here, and I’ll consider them for the contest when it happens.
How would you guys feel about a crocostrings string company? I would start with sending a few strings out to a few forumn members, then ask if they can make a few reviews… Would you guys buy from me? I only have 2 feedback, but i post ALOT. Would i really destroy my rep like that? But, what do you guys think?
Well. I always want to encourage the “Young entrepreneurs”
You JUST learned how to make it what, a few weeks ago maybe?
I mean, I’m all for trying it out, but don’t get to ahead of yourself…
It takes a LOT of work. And some business know how…
If you need any help, or strings tested, or info on starting a business and what to included. PM me
Well im guessing that im only going to get a few (if any) costumers, so it wouldn’t be as much work as you guys… But if i do have alot of customers, i have the time to make them! I’m homeschooled so i have alot of time. And thanks bc. Ill probably take you up on the offer.
Well, it would be great! First thing to do is know how hard it is. See how fast you can make a 5 pack. That in my opinion is how to sell them. Then, send out some testers. See what they like and dont like. You need to know some tricks of the trade to get good qualaty strings. Like knowing that if you twist them up looser they will be softer. You can PM modman10, and he could help you out with knowing what it takes/some tricks. BTW, You really do post a lot!
Hope this helps!
Elijah - a string makers brother
Also- Logi. He sells his strings on YYE. He can help to /)
I actually already have pmd him, and logi. They have both been very helpful. The thing is- I don’t care how long it takes me! I have alot of time on my hands because im homeschooled.
Well to calculate a fair price, you wanna judge:
A. How much it costs to make each string at “x” length
B. how long it takes you to compensate
Even if you have time, it’d be wisest to earn for time spent. You do only have one life, and a certain amount of time in it. So replace the time with money, and achieve the balance that works for you
Also, be aware that (especially when you start), you’re as nice as you can be. If people like working with you, it should show. And if it shows, it helps compensate for not having too much feedback
Another tip is:
Make sure you know that you have both supers and the ability to get to the post office. It’s a bit different for forum member business’ because (unless you own the store), you wouldn’t be shipping your own product. And if you can’t make it, you can’t ship it on time!
That’s leads to another point/tip
If you can’t do something, let the person know ASAP! Say, ran out of a string color, don’t lead them on and then drop it like a bomb. Let them know as soon as you notice that you don’t have enough for a whole 5-pack or something
And that’s all the tips I can think of for now maybe someone else more experienced will have some more, but I hope you can deviate some wisdom from my tidbits
Good luck! And feel free to pm me as well if you need any help
Thank you! I had an idea of with every 5 or 10 pack i send i would send 1 of another kind of string with it so that they could try it and hopefully buy a 5 or 10 pack of that. Your thoughts?
thats a great idea! Just make sure you’re making enough profit to pay for the one extra string. But that shouldn’t be too hard.
Also, sounds like a good marketing tool to keep in a reasonable amount of business!
Also, I’ve noticed with strings, variety might help. Like, make a different kind of string for different things. (I.e. fast play, casual, fat string, etc.). It’d help broaden the horizon of people you can help with your string!
Legyoyo had some good advice, about the responsibility aspects of it. Dealing with business is a lot more than free time, but management of finances, and customer service. The tough part is that you just started learning a short time ago, so everyone has seen the transition, and it has been a fast one. The lack of feedback will be a hurdle, but not necessarily a big one. I think the best advice is to use the strings yourself for awhile, and if you like them, share them with friends to see what they think.
If you have a string that is getting great feedback, and people are after you to get some, it’s a hint that you have a nice product on your hands. But, it will take some time to establish that. It seems like you found a hobby that might make some money down the line…you never know.
I like that Idea
oh and TA where do we signup for the splash game? or is that not open?
I think my hot fire lava colored summit qualifys
No qualifying needed at this time…just post up. I can’t wait to see. Unless you want to hold it for the contest and put it up then. You can put one up anytime just for practice too and get used to posting in there. Just post it as a poll, and it should work out great.
The thing is- I dont have any real yoyo friends. I’ve never met another person who could land the yoyo on a trapeze before. And i probably will wait and try out different threads and lengths and thicknesses and tightness. I was just asking if anyone would be interested in the future.
I’ll be your yoyo friend ;D
Stopping by MD peninsula anytime soon?
Also, as some of you know the pride released yesterday… Also you may remember at the beginning of the thread there was a contest, and mr RobK offered up a pride as a bonus prize… Aaaaaand… He just ordered it for me!!! So, shout out to RobK for being so generous and kind to me!
Snap! I almost forgot about the Prize Pride. That’s really nice of him haha…sweet!
I still have my classic ;D
Haha do you live in NJ? Of course not! There are 0 other yoyoers who live anywhere close to me :(. Unkess you count the folks at NYYYC and erik kerber.
I think there needs to be Yoyo Skype calls for this reason.