Yeah, and I don’t think I can afford to keep buying prizes. ;D
Actually I can probably afford a contest every month or 2 if I keep the prizes smaller. I’ll give it some thought. I really had fun with it.
Yeah, and I don’t think I can afford to keep buying prizes. ;D
Actually I can probably afford a contest every month or 2 if I keep the prizes smaller. I’ll give it some thought. I really had fun with it.
Like the Classic? So cheap, but so fun! In my top 5 along with my Punchline and other YYJ/YYF…
don’t give away too much, you.
Dont die on me now thread!!!
It’s slowly
I don’t know kids, instead of responding with appropriate gratitude for just an amazing thread and extraordinary contests with fantastic prizes from TotalArtist and RobK you’re standing around with your bowl in your hand like Oliver Twist saying; “Please sir, I want more.”
no not exactly for me i have been quietly just sitting pleased with my self and my prize not sure about the others though…
Just so we are all clear, this was entirely meant as a joke. I absolutely love my prizes, and I can;t thank TotalArtist and RobK enough.
What’s new on the marketing from for you youngsters? I have a question for the winners, TotalArtist & RobK have been extremely gracious and kind to you and given some very nice gifts and some great insight and foresight to the future of things for you guys, so that leave me with one two questions…
How will you guys take this kindness and take opportunity to pay it forward to someone else?
What will you do to give back to the community that has given you he ability to make some money and begin your business prowess?
I am highly interested to hear your plans as to pay it forward (I’m not speaking about a yoyo I’ve away although that might be one way, but there are many other.).
Also do any of your young up and coming business Entrepreneurs have any thoughts on a business plan or starting the process to a business license and a tax I’d number to help cut your costs and bein your profit margins up and start paying taxes and that fun stuff?
These are the start to having your business and affairs in order so when you are ready to take your business to the next level?
Thanks for entertaining and if you’d like to post your business plan I’d love to read them.
-snafu signing out
I’m actually doing some speaking in my old high school Hospitality and Tourism Academy. I am an alumni now, and I was the previous AOHT president when I was a senior. I look forward to it!
Congrats on that and it sounds interesting! What’s the topic of your talk? And does it tie into your business or future business?
Also I am slightly uneducated in the realm of hospitality and tourism. Is it a club or a group at school and what sort of stuff do you focus on?
Hospitality and Tourism deals with career choices such as restaurant, hotel and destination management. The Academy of Hospitality and Tourism (AOHT) is an organization that gets secondary students to focus on their desired career path early on so that they may immediately jump into the study of their field once they are in college.
I’m going to be talking to the introductory students in the academy about what college is like and how to plan accordingly. I plan on covering time management and networking.
First, I would like to say that the participants in this contest have genuinely expressed a great deal of appreciation both publicly and through PM. I have no doubt that they are all very thankful for the opportunity, the learning experience and the prizes.
Second, I noticed Bcmaddog doing market research on paracord products in a new thread of his own. I’ll thror this one out ttere for free: if someone could make a paracord zipper pull with a very strong and small split ring or other small strong attachment device, I’d buy one in a second. I lost my monkey hanging from my zipper zipper pull whn it broke at the rest, leaving, ironically, a cast metal monkeyfist. It is nice to have zipper pulls on winter coats in New England when you’re in the cold, and wearing gloves or mittens.
I’ll send you a photo of one I have and see if you are interested if you are then its yours.
There seem to be a ton of paracord products to make. BC should check these out:
I have decided to entertain making a small investment in BC’s next venture with paracord. But, he will have to write a short proposal, and sell me on his idea. The return for me will be some paracord product of my choice, for free, down the line. But, before I invest in the business, I need to hear a good proposal. I want him to look at the above links, choose a product and tell me how he thinks they might do selling on the forum or Ebay, and why.
I believe in BC after his placing so high in the contest. He has a lot of energy, so let’s put him to work. This shall not interfere with school work, so that must be considered as school is back in session. What do you make of this investment opportunity BC? The other members of the crew, RobK, Abby, Banjo, Snafu, Stringking, Slimjoe, Legyoyo and all others should chime in about whether they like BC’s proposal.
I will invest a shipment of paracord in limited value toward a specific startup project. It will be up to BC to take it from there. We will all help with ideas toward his goal. No rush to do this BC, when homework and housework is complete…chime in if you are up to the task.
Those paracord sandals are super cute :]
I don’t have a yoyo company but I referee little kid’s soccer games.
I get about $20-50 a week usually.
That’s one heck of a good offer and has the potential for BC to rock it and turn some pennies into dollars and dollars into stacks of dollars!
I do think this is going to be a great time to see business grow and new customers come into the fold as there are tons of different styles and ideas all about to explode and hit the market!
There are some good deals out there on paracord and so many items that can be made that can be offered that would appeal to the masses. There are a few things I’d buy and those would be custom made bow slings, custom made key ring/zipper pull fobs little parapeople, monkey fist knots, marker/pencil/or pen wraps/holders.
I’ll post up some photos of the custom work I’ve had done and that might spark some interest. BC don’t screw up this investment brother! This cold be the jump start you need.
Good luck and I look forward to what comes down the pike!