Young Entrepreneurs of YoyoExpert!

Thank you, RobK!

Orders are placed.

Some bad news: Flipside for $5 was sold out.
The good news: found one for $12.

More bad news: N12 with silver splash was over $10 more than solid green.
Good news: at least you get a green one. :wink:

More bad news: YYE webform screwed up Bcmaddog’s address
Good news: I caught it right away, and e-mailed support at YYE. They’re great so I’m sure it will be fine.

Anyway, begin the wait…

We wait ;D…

You are the best!

Oh well… Thanks a lot anyways!

I’m like super psyched for the pride, so far I love it! I’m super thankful Mr.RobK, I truly am.

Andre should know my address by heart lol… JK


I know what you mean. ;D

You have a very kind heart RobK…we’re glad you are on the forum. Such a nice bunch of people hanging out in this thread. :slight_smile: I buy my share of yo-yos, but it’s always nice to give something away sometimes too. Thanks again for the support in here. This is great!

I would do the same if I had a large sum of “nice” yoyos.

I don’t want to give away a beat Axiom, or a B grade superwide. Haha!

Hopefully the generosity you are receiving today will shape the way you think about it in the future, and pay it forward when you are in a position to do so. It is only because of other people’s generosity that I was able to achieve what I have, and that has resulted in cultivating a generous spirit myself. I am now paying forward the kindnesses I received in the past as I go forward in life.

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:slight_smile: I’m getting a Yoyo I’m happy oh and robk you have some really good karma going on (good things happen to good people)

Well, you are right about that. I had a consulting gig fall into my lap today. It will be one weekends worth of work, and cover all of my yoyo purchases so far, and then some, so I can get my hardwood floors after all. ;D


I will be happy! Hope to do some mod work on it ;).

Maybe lateral caps? Grooved? Dye the body?

And of course hope to find out what the hype is about the Classic.

Stuido42 can’t get enough of them Hahah! He has like 10 or so…

not surprised they have some awesome color combos.

I want to get a blue one and put lateral caps on it so bad…

I have a solid black one coming. I have been dying to get that one…it’s the best one yet.

Im not putting lateral caps on, I’m making the little hole in the center of the classic cap.
So turning the cap to a lateral cap…

I got my classic today thanks Robk! It is the best plastic I have I didn’t even need to Change the response to start playing with it thank you!