Young Entrepreneurs of YoyoExpert!

I don’t know about the N5, but the T6 is AMAZING. Though I’m not sure I’d want a second.

I had a T8 Shadow. It was nice but to heavy and the response wasn’t to good.

My friend has a T8, I never thought it was too heavy. It seemed lighter than its weight to me.

Each gets to chose, I will order them brand new and ship them to your homes.

I really recommend the N12 the most of you don’t already have one. Plays like a $60-$90 yoyo easily. By far the best of the Magics I have. I think it is the best value in yoyos today.

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What about the Desperato?

What about the Desperato?

Awesome! One also I got my thing in the mail toady I will post a picture when our camera has a battery a charge also one question does the YYJ classic have a speed bearing?

Mmm dat classic

Your addressing your yoyo as thing???

she got a yoyo string and cards. So thing was accurate. Thing as in prize.

also that’s awesome RobK! I didn’t even think of the possibility of us all getting a second prize! That’s just beyond awesome! I can’t wait until the winner’s announced :slight_smile:

N5 Desperado is fine if that’s what you want as well. I just listed all the ones I had tried, but I forgot about that one.

a yoyo to…

what’s wrong with it I got like 8 different string colors in small amounts as well as YYE cards there was like double the cards TA said about so I’m happy. (I never order yoyos brand new the only way I get them is when my B-day comes along or I get money from babysitting.)

Me to, I was just curious. Didn’t you get a fireball?

I wholeheartedly recommend the Desperado. If you like wider yoyos, they are the ultimate bang for your buck. Even if you’re not the biggest fan of wides yoyos, it’s still pretty small so you won’t get a bunch of random strings all caught up in the catch zone.
However, the n12 looks amazing, and the t5 seems to be everybody’s favorite myy. You’ll have to look and see how everything will fit your preferences, and decide on the one that looks best for you.

Great contest, TA and RobK! Great opportunities for great prizes and valuable lessons! I’m excited to hear the results, and I’m not even involved. :slight_smile:

yes and I’m happy I like the fireball it helps improve my looping skills.

I might pick up a pair for 2a sometime…

I have a Superwide and I don’t get random sting caught in it.

So, Desperato sounds nice!

Hey RobK. You aren’t announcing the winner tonight at like 11 are you?

School and all I don’t want to stay up like last time ;).

Although I enjoyed talking to Stringking And Leggyoyo…

I am gathering up the entries and reading them right now. We should have the winner within another hour or so.

Here are the responses, presented in the order I received them. Soon I will post my notes declaring the winner and why I chose the one I did.


My most valuable lesson learned was knowing what order to make and ship things, what to say to someone if your break their yoyo etc. good coatumer service, and that this contest was super awesome! And I learned a little but more about making 100% profit and what to charge for 1 hours labor. They impact my buisness a lot! I mean, I would be a little off track if I didn’t know these 5 questions that TA did. I probably wouldn’t make good profit with my prices, I probably wouldn’t send a good email if someone’s yoyo got damaged. They impact my plans by me sending better emails being able to price things better, and get a idea on advertisement. With my existing business i plan to price a little better so I can make a good profit, but make everyone els happy. And I plan to possibly make Stickers of my logo so i can advertise outside of the online community. if I can find a reasonable price place ect.


Well to be honest I learned a whole lot from this experience in this competition. For starters if I ever take my business online now (which I’m considering because business is really slow) I know I would need a proper mailing list or so due to the facts of the customers needs I never really thought I had to do that when mailing stuff out. Plus I also learned that I might want to be a little more serious when doing a customer service letter because usually in my business i say “if my jewelry ever breaks I give free repairs!” from the start so I never have that problem plus i have never written those letters before so I never thought I needed to plus maybe trying to be lighthearted when writing isn’t a good idea. So that was a new experience I will probably have to keep in mind when I’m doing this stuff again or if anything goes wrong because when I’m making wire jewelry and I mess up I make it work with the piece I’m making so it looks like it was meant to be. So I never really considered that I need to know that as well as dressing the part for an interview. Because usually I just let my personality shine through when I wear my clothes due me being me so I never thought I would score low because apparently people like neutral colors when they interview as well as that I thought it would be okay to wear those clothes because it’s my moms friend so maybe not. I also learned that I probably need to mark up my jewelry prices eventually because I realized I wasn’t making a profit however I will eventually mark it up when I get the customer base first because once I have the base I know they will be happy to pay higher for my jewelry. (then again i buy in bulk with wire and such to save money) I also learned when I do a marketing promotion I probably need to rethink my age target because adults isn’t always the best because of that reason. But it does get my point across.


Each hypothetical question that TotalArtist asked us involved critical thinking. They all shared a common attribute : to test our knowledge and see what we would do under the given circumstances.

However, after each question passed, we got to read what the other contestants put. This provided me with great insight and even things I did not consider. I learned a lot from each question even if I did well on them. But out of all the questions I learned from, #4 had to be the most prevalent one. I did not know how price mark-ups worked prior to this contest. Retail was never my forte, but I am going to need to develop a strong suite for it because it is relevant to my interests in terms of my career choice.

Gaining more insight as to how to price my products (if I choose to sell something in the future) is more than valuable. Like most things in the business world, one must take everything that is relevant into consideration before making a decision. Metaphorically speaking, this is just like pricing a product. I was unaware of all of the variables that come into play when pricing something, such as the aforementioned mark-up. This led me to make a poor decision, which is something that should definitely be avoided when working in the business world.

In short, #4 reinforced my understanding of how crucial it is to wallow in complexity of a business decision. I knew the importance of “looking before leaping”, and #4 only strengthened my understanding of it, as well as teaching me more about the aspect of “mark-ups”.

I previously mentioned that retail was relevant to my career choice. I want to own a few hotels in the future. Perhaps retail is indirectly related to hotel management; Hotel management has many facets to it. It can even be described as being similar to running a small town. Retail involves many facets as well (besides pricing). Therefore, both require me to be on point with all of my decisions.

I have no real business plans, but I cannot say I did not benefit from this contest. I can’t wait for the next opportunity I get to showcase my skills.


Alright Mr. RobK, Here’s my answer to your bonus question:

First off, I learned there’s many ways to run a business. And though I already knew this (to an extent), seeing all the answers, and having all these scenarios placed in front of me really helped me to take a step back and really examine how I do business. I can’t present a list of all the things that were actually completely new information. Most of it was a deeper realization of what I knew about business in general. And how tough decisions need to be made, when the situation is tough.

Another big thing that was brought to my attention was about pricing. How you need to make a profit, based on time and materials. And again I knew this, but it made me look at what I sell and go “this is a really good deal”. Though I won’t be raising the price for my holsters, it helped me look upon it. Plus it’ll help me look upon the prices of other things, and know they’re probably not as pricey as they could be. (though of course I’m still going to steer clear of highway robbery! Cheesy)

I also liked how it helped me see other business strategies. Especially when pertaining to different scenarios. Like with the advertising. And how good investments can make (or break) a company. So in the long run It’ll help me examine what move(s) to make when managing money made from my product.

This contest also helped me really think. And thinking is probably the best tool in the entrepreneurial business. So by making me really think long and hard about these questions, it’s gearing me up to think really long and hard about real life decisions that’ll need to be made.(both business wise, and in general)

This contest also allowed me to look upon different things completely. Not just how I handle business over the internet, but in real life. Take the job interview question, it helped me think about how I should look in that scenario. And though interviews are case-to-case, It helped me get a grasp on what might help. And not only that, but why I should look that way.

So again, though most of it was simply a deeper understanding, and reasoning behind things (not completely new information). I feel like I learned a lot. It presented me with different circumstances, and really got me to think. And it made me look at how I do business, and how others do it too.

~(example of what I mean by not new information: I knew I needed to look nice for an interview. But I hadn’t ever consider “why”, or even seriously think about how I’d go about it.)~

String King

I think that the biggest lesson that I learned during the Young Entrepreneurs contest was to always go beyond what I feel is the “call of duty” so to speak. Not doing this is what I think hurt me the most in the contest. In question #2, not being willing to replace the yoyo/compensate harmed my score. And in question #3, I thought that I could get away with a more casual look, instead of sprucing up a bit. I couldn’t.

I am going to be starting a yoyo entertainment business soon. People have really liked performances I have done at talent shows and such, so I thought I could turn it into a business. I could perform at birthday parties, conventions, or anywhere entertainment is need. So, how will the lessons learned in the contest relate to this business? Well, I will make sure to practice more than I think I need to. I will make sure that I am dressed appropriately for wherever I perform. I will do all I can to go beyond what I think is necessary. This way I think I’ll be able to please my customers better, and run a successful business.

So, the lesson I learned was: always go beyond what you think is necessary, beyond the “call of duty.”

OK, I have read all the answers, and chosen a winner. The winner is Legyoyo! Congratulations!

Every single person highlighted the things they learned about in this process, but Legyoyo stood out in one way that I think is the critical lesson learned, and he focused on this one lesson more than any others. In his own words:

“This contest also helped me really think. And thinking is probably the best tool in the entrepreneurial business. So by making me really think long and hard about these questions, it’s gearing me up to think really long and hard about real life decisions that’ll need to be made.(both business wise, and in general)”

In my opinion, the best teachers are not the ones that teach you how to do things, they are the ones who teach you to think about things, so in that regards, I will take a second to praise TA’s mentoring through this contest. Well done TA!

Congratulations are certainly in order for all contestants. You all clearly gave it a terrific effort, learned a lot, and most importantly, had fun with it, and never gave up. You guys are all going to go on to great things in the future if you keep approaching all of life’s challenges like this!

So, Legyoyo, as soon as the new DS Pride hits the YYE store, I’ll have one sent to your house. Everyone else, pick a magic yoyo or classic, and let me know which one you want. Everybody: send me your address so I can ship these to you.

Well played everyone, this was a lot of fun to be a part of.