Young Entrepreneurs of YoyoExpert!

Same from me (except the bed part :D)! I can’t type how appreciative I am of TA doing this. And all the contestants :slight_smile:

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What? A prize? Aw man…

Time for the bonus round. This was a great competition. For the bonus round, only the 5 contestants in TA’s contest are eligible for mine.

A single multi-part question. I will grade it based on the content, not the writing quality, but of course, do your best writing. PM me the answers, I’ll post them and pick a winner and announce the prize some time on monday, so you have plenty of time. I am visiting with family over the weekend, and might not have time to pick a winner until monday. We’re going to the lake for JetSkiing! I’ve never been, and am really excited.

What was the most valuable lesson that you learned in this contest? How do these lessons impact your current small business plans?

If you have an existing business that you plan to make changes with based on what you learned, tell me about that. If you have a new idea about a business you would like to do, tell me what it is, and what you will do in the context of what you learned here.

To win, I want to hear about some real learning that went on.


I think I sent I cant remember oh well.
Also TA when do we give you our shipping info?

If you’re interested in the prize…send your address.

Okay thanks I can’t seem to remember that stuff!

EDIT I just sent my address to ya it should be there soon.

Okay, you should all have a PM with a tracking number now…everything is shipped out. :slight_smile:

I wonder what your name parodied could have been.

Yogi. :slight_smile:

I just submitted my answer. Sorry for being late! Had some prior engagements to attend to.

Thank you!

Everyone be sure to post a pic or send a pic of your prize beside a Thanks TA note card!!!

Thanks BC. By the way, my Legyoyo holster is on the way…review to follow ;D

??? Wat you mean? I no understand.

He meant: “Everyone be sure to post a picture or send a picture of your prize beside a ‘Thanks TotalArtist!’ note card.”

Good job to everyone here, this was a great contest to read through. Really well done TA; this was a great way to showcase and increase the knowledge of some of our young businessmen and women here. I learned a lot, especially on the fashion front. :smiley:


oh now i understand man I can be so naive sometimes.

I sent my message to RobK!

Cool…I wonder what the prize will be. :slight_smile: Good luck on the bonus question guys. It took forever for the tracking numbers I sent you guys to show up. I checked them all, and they all show up now. Legyoyo’s showed up super late almost 24 hours later. :-\ It’s all good now though.

its cool total artist i rarely check tracking anyways so it doesn’t really matter to me and legs probably is like that because hes on the eastern seaboard of maryland (as in south east maryland)

Hey TA, mine showed up yesterday…

I have a feeling it will be good, what with RobK’s taste in yoyos.