Oops…my mistake #5 I meant. I spent so long looking at #4 I still had it on the brain.
I can’t wait for #5! (then again I probably won’t place first at this rate but you never know)
This is for the win…still a tie to be broken and anything can happen.
Hypothetical #5 (Promotion/Marketing)
You own DCVexedCat yo-yo painting service. Business has been slow, but you made just enough extra money to afford just one of these promotional items to boost business:
- 400 flyers the size of a regular letter sized sheet of paper, printed in black and white only. Includes business name, logo, website and contact information.
- 200 stickers, pretty and colorful, descent size 4"x 5", includes business name, logo and website.
- 150 business cards, colorful, shiny, and of great quality, includes typical information, your name, contact info, business name, logo, and website.
- A 30 second, one time TV ad on local cable, great time slot, sports channel, airs in your town only. Whatever you want…but only 30 seconds.
- A small ad in your local newspaper, 2" x 2", runs for one week. 25 words max.
- 125 key chains with your logo, name and website on it. Bright color, measure 2"x 1.5"
- 30 T-Shirts with your company name, logo, and website on it, great quality, embroidered, nice colors.
You have never promoted your business outside of the internet before. Remember, you only paint yo-yos, and you have to reach people in the yo-yo community. Which one of the above items will you buy to get started, and what specifically would you do with those items to promote your business? Remember…you can only afford one of these.
- Answers by PM only…thanks.
You like to keep the hardest for last, don’t you.
No wrong answer…just want you guys to think creatively using the info in front of you. I thought this one was kinda easy. Last one…so take your time.
Typing it up now
I’ll have to answer this one a little later tonight.
No kidding I’m being very thought out with my answer because I wanna win! Also is outside help to get info on what people actually use? Like a survey?
Can’t wait to see the results. I’ve most certainly enjoyed myself. Can’t wait! Lol
Im still working on mine I wanna take my time.
Man, I don’t feel like doing more math :(…
JK I’ll do it…
You thought this one “was kinda easy”? Really? I’d really wrestle with this one if I was in the contest.
Painting yo-yos is a very esoteric enterprise, which of these approaches best targets this niche market? Hmmmm…
I’m going to work on my PM now.
Why DCVexed…
Why not DCHAPPYKITTY’s painting service LOL!
Just playing hahah…
Hey TA, THANKS again for doing this! It’s not over but what’s done was so much fun!
And I enjoyed spending time with all you guys!
And good luck to everyone tonight!
I thought for sure it’s be ‘bchappycat’
Just finished! Best of luck to everyone!
2 down 3 to go…
I was hoping it would be PCMADPATCONDON
3 down. 2 to go. Right?