Unless she is offline hahah!
I can’t stand being sooo impatient for the answers oh well.
I feel I did better on this question. I see my errors in the second. And in real life I totally would have done something to compensate (I’ve done it with my holsters).
And I can’t wait to hear the result either!
Haha, we are all online but TA isint haha we are dying to know…
Guess she wants us dying excited!
or shes busy. 0.0
yeah, this would make more sense than purposefully torturing us
I would’ve answered sooner, but I had some things to do. Like the movies ;D
You guys better watch out, grumbling behind the administrators back is liable to have negative ramifications on future evaluation.
I no grumble… I wait… ;D
I no grumble, I wait patiently and super excitedly…
Okay guys, I have taken some time to think about it and now will post the answers…other details to follow:
Hypothetical #3 (The Interview: Making A First Impression).
A very good friend of your mom, named Mary, owns a skill toy business “ThingKing Toys.” Mary has been to your house for dinner. Mary thinks you might be the right young person for a demo yo-yoing job at her store. But, she is not completely sure, and is considering a few others for the position. Your mom tells you that Mary wants to meet with you, at her store, to discuss the job, and see if you would be a good fit. You are interested in this opportunity. The meeting has been scheduled. What are you going to wear when you meet up with Mary (be very descriptive about your outfit from head to toe)? Explain why you picked it, and tell me what you will bring with you to the meeting?
Answers to Hypothetical #3 In the order in which they were received:
First of all, I’ll be sure to take a shower and give myself a clean shave. I’ll need to make sure my hair is combed to the side as well. My deodorant needs to pair with my cologne. Only one spray of cologne to the neck.
For a top, I’ll wear a light blue button-up dress shirt along with a white undershirt. Ill button the chuffs. Both the dress shirt and undershirt will be tucked into my black dress pants (slacks). A black leather belt with a simple silver buckle will pair the pants well with the shirt. With my polished black dress shoes, I’ll wear long socks (also black).
No jewelry. Even if its a simple piece, it’s better to be safe then sorry.
I went with a business casual outfit because its better to over dress than it is to under dress. Furthermore, just because Mary is a friend of my mothers and has had dinner with us does not mean I can act any less professional about the job interview. She is still considering other people after all, and a good first impression from a professional stand point is highly beneficial to my chances at getting the job.
I’ll bring a hard copy of my résumé and a positive attitude. Ill also make sure to be punctual. Furthermore, I’ll bring a yoyo just in case she asks me to do some promotional tricks. Again, it’s better to be safe then sorry.
Well, things I will bring. I will bring a notebook and a pen, to absorb necessary information Mary might give me. If I do not get all the info down on paper I could easily loose the job by forgetting something. I would bring a yoyo, in case she ask’s for a small demo of my skills. I would also bring my kindness and full active spirit, and don’t forget manners! To show her I am a kind and friendly person fit for the job. What I would wear. I would wear some nice black socks with no colored logos or fancy designs. I would wear a nice pair of tan Sperry Dock Siders. Dark blue jeans with none of those stretch marks or whatever. And a nice collard shirt. Red/white big checkered And a dark grey sweater. I chose that outfit because I think dark blue jeans tan sperry’s and a random colored collar shirt with a tie is very nice.
What I would wear would be my origami crane necklace with my hair all washed along with my fingernails painted light blue and lime green. with my peach pink shirt with the ruffles going diagonally along to my waist on top of it i would have my mini blazer I have buttoned all nicely ironed. Then i would have my nice charm bracelet that may mom gave to me on my right hand. (because you need a conversation starter for an interview when you walk in) Then i would wear my concert slacks I wear when I have a band concert. All black with a few 2 pockets on either side so I can hold my Yoyo in my pocket. (if she needs to see my Yoyo skills) Then for shoes I would have my white socks with my nice sparkly flats at the toe and heel of the shoe that have golden sequins Then it’s kinda canvas gold in the middle it’s slightly lighter then the grey poupon mustard color.
And thats what I would wear to the interview! Something nice and classy with pops of color. Yet it looks professional So she knows I take this job very seriously or I want it. That and it is also still very moveable so If need be I can show my Yoyo tricks if needed.
Alright so, you said think extra about this question because stringking couldn’t answer until late. So I did. And I thought “Since this is a first impression to Mrs. Mary (business wise) it should go a little beyond dressing nice.”
So, before I describe what exactly I’d wear, let me first explain how I’d get ready before hand.
I’d make sure I showered, and my teeth were thoroughly brushed (I’d also have a mint or something later, so my breath smelled nice during the interview). I’d make sure that I put deodorant and whatnot on so I didn’t have awkward BO. Then throughout the day, I’d make sure I stay on the emotionally eager side of things; not the anxious.(I’d do this by trying to think positively, or simply have other options in mind if things don’t work out).
After going through a necessary hygiene routine, I’d pick the clothes.
Since I’ve known Mrs. Mary, and since the job is for a locally owned skill toy shop, I don’t think it’d be necessary to go full out tuxedo mode.
Instead I’d wear a nice, clean dress shirt (with a collar and possibly with a tie). With some nice khaki pants (nothing crazy either. not skinny jeans or anything). As for shoes, they’d have to be nice dress shoes that go well with the outfit. (everything matching, of course. Don’t want an interview were your colors clashed)
Another reason I would’t wear an undershirt, a formal shirt, a jacket, with dress pants,(suspenders? lol), and a tie/bow tie. Is because if asked to demonstrate my yoyo abilities, it would be greatly decreased by the constraining extra clothes. But instead I’ve toned it down a bit. While still keeping the professional and respectable look. (the part dress will show I respect her as a boss, and the part not monkey suit will leave room to yoyo)
As for what I’d bring. At first I wanted to say “well I’d bring my whole collection of course! silly TA that’s an easy one.” But after chewing on it a bit, I figured it would be wiser to only bring the necessary yoyos (one [or two, keep in mind 2a and 4a] for each style of play, I’m able to do)
Mrs. Mary won’t care about my collection. She wants me to show off her merchandise, with my skill, not my money spending ability.
And since it’s a skill toy shop, I’d bring a couple of other skill toys. Just in case she’d like me to do a product demo for them as well. (assuming my hypothetical self can still do kendama)
So to sum it all up:
I’d dress business respectable, to show I respect her authority as a boss, and keep it professional; while leaving room to show my yoyo skills
And I’d Bring the necessary yoyos: One (or two) for each style. And if I’m able to do any skill toys (that she sells) I’d bring them too.
What I’d wear:
- a Calvin Klein t-shirt with alternating royal and navy blue stripes. This is a bit nicer shirt, but not too fancy. After all, I am meeting my mom’s good friend in a toy store. Plus bright colors look good on me (according to my mom
-Tan khaki pants and a brown leather belt. Again, in between fancy and casual. My shirt would be tucked in. - Tan dockers, to compliment the khakis.
- My hair would be neatly combed, with a bit of pomade to give it some shine.
What I’d bring:
- a nice metal yoyo, in case she wants to see some tricks. The yoyo would be in mint condition, to show that I am a responsible person who takes care of their things.
- my best attitude!
Oh wow… I lost…
Maybe, maybe not. We will soon see as she post the scores…
No, my attention to detail wasn’t nearly enough. Also, my theory on what was appropriate to wear and bring was completely different from everyone else.
Mine seemed a little less detailed also.
I think Legyoyo has this round in the bag!
Lol I got to start up my paiting…got my airbrush
You might beat me because I forgot a belt lol!!!
My answer was embarrassingly long… I’m bad at this lol
That means you had lots of things to say, which means lots of detail!
Touche’. So I guess it’s ok. Never know though. TA might have wanted to hear ‘a big chicken costume with samurai swords’